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How to Be a Canadian (2001)

di Will Ferguson, Ian Ferguson

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6751735,049 (3.78)20
It isn’t always easy being Canadian, according to Will Ferguson, but it can be a lot of fun. Asked to write a follow-up to his runaway bestseller Why I Hate Canadians, Ferguson, who’s Canadian himself, recruited his brother Ian -- comedy writer and executive producer of the Canadian series Sin City and a Canadian too -- to create this ultimate guide to the country's cultural quirks. The result is a hilarious inside look at that unique species, the Canadian, and their thoughts on such diverse subjects as beer, sex, dating rituals, sports, politics, religion, social rules -- and, of course, their trademark death-defying search for the middle of any road.… (altro)
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Light entertainment through national stereotypes. A typically Christmas-gift book. ( )
  sfj2 | Jun 10, 2024 |
Funny, but trying too hard towards the end.

However, there are some great passages - like this one on Canadian fiction writing:

"Handy tip! Write about a family gathering, a funeral or some sort of homecoming. That's the easiest way to bring characters together without having to construct a plot. And make sure to include the free-spirited sister, the recovering alcoholic brother, the other sister (the one who gave up on her dreams and is married to an abusive and/or aloof man) and - last but not least - the standard-issue abusive and/or aloof father figure. Add to the mix some cryptic dialogue about a past betrayal, maybe a dark secret or two, and half-bake at 40F. Do you see how these things just write themselves?"

Sadly, this does remind me of a few books, not all of them Canadian, though. ( )
  BrokenTune | Aug 21, 2016 |
This is constant reading material for when you just want to laugh. ( )
  AnnaKathleen3 | Jan 28, 2015 |
3.5 stars

Will Ferguson and his brother Ian decided to write (with encouragement from Margaret Atwood) a “guidebook” on how to be a Canadian. Humourously, of course. Topics include language, food, politics, sports, sex, drinking and much more.

I enjoyed this. There were times I laughed out loud. Parts I enjoyed most included the breakdown of the provinces and curling. Of course, I am Canadian, so I “got” most of the jokes. I suspect there are plenty of jokes that wouldn't work for those who aren't Canadian. It was originally published in 2001, so some parts are out of date, in particular the political stuff. But still, a fun read. ( )
  LibraryCin | Apr 18, 2014 |
Some very funny digs at Canada and Canadians, especially in the first chapters, and some very flat jokes, especially towards the end. ( )
  jorgearanda | Jan 9, 2013 |
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Will Fergusonautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Ferguson, Ianautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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From Will: For Terumi, who has been putting up with me for so long, and Alex and Alister, for being such great kids.

From Ian: For Kirsten, who laughs at my jokes and makes me laugh.
Dati dalle informazioni generali inglesi. Modifica per tradurlo nella tua lingua.
From an idea by Margaret Atwood!
(In which Will shamelessly milks the name of one of Canada's most respected authors for all it's worth)

So I'm at this cocktail party, right? And Margaret Atwood is there, and she can't keep her hands off me. Everywhere I go, she's clinging to me. And I'm like, "Whoa, lady, get a grip." All night long, she's following me around, spilling her drink and slurring her speech, saying, "Wait, wait. I have this great idea for your next book." And I'm like, "Whatever."
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Dati dalle informazioni generali inglesi. Modifica per tradurlo nella tua lingua.
DDC/MDS Canonico
LCC canonico

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Wikipedia in inglese


It isn’t always easy being Canadian, according to Will Ferguson, but it can be a lot of fun. Asked to write a follow-up to his runaway bestseller Why I Hate Canadians, Ferguson, who’s Canadian himself, recruited his brother Ian -- comedy writer and executive producer of the Canadian series Sin City and a Canadian too -- to create this ultimate guide to the country's cultural quirks. The result is a hilarious inside look at that unique species, the Canadian, and their thoughts on such diverse subjects as beer, sex, dating rituals, sports, politics, religion, social rules -- and, of course, their trademark death-defying search for the middle of any road.

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Media: (3.78)
1 1
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2 7
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3 34
3.5 10
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4.5 3
5 31

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