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The Simplest Game: The Intelligent Fan's Guide to the World of Soccer

di Paul Gardner

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Revised in time for the new soccer league and the 1996 Olympics, The Simplest Game continues to be the reference on the game, its players, and its history. Now with photos throughout of the most memorable and talented players, the book traces the evolution of soccer from a crude, rustic pastime into a sophisticated worldwide business and offers a wealth of facts, figures, rules, and anecdotes to delight anyone with a passing or devout interest in the sport. With an introduction by Pele, The Simplest Game is the only book the soccer fan will ever need.… (altro)
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The fourth and final book in my quatrain of books on the history of soccer, and this one is the best of the bunch. Blessedly it does not once again dedicate the entire book to the history of the World Cup, although four chapters dedicated to summarizing the championships from 1930 to 1994 make up the bulk of the book. Better to my mind are the parts discussing the evolution of the game especially in the area of tactics using graphics and examples from the World Cup greats and not-so-greats. With it’s exhaustive appendices on all things soccer, this is a book I’d like to purchase for my own library.

“Soccer is a sport in which low scoring is the rule. During a game there is a constant building up and letting down of emotions – expectations are frustrated far more often than they are rewarded. The scoring of a goal, the one goal that could decide the game, means the joyful, explosive release of damned-up hopes for one group of fans, utter despair for the other.” P. xxiii ( )
  Othemts | Jun 26, 2008 |
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Revised in time for the new soccer league and the 1996 Olympics, The Simplest Game continues to be the reference on the game, its players, and its history. Now with photos throughout of the most memorable and talented players, the book traces the evolution of soccer from a crude, rustic pastime into a sophisticated worldwide business and offers a wealth of facts, figures, rules, and anecdotes to delight anyone with a passing or devout interest in the sport. With an introduction by Pele, The Simplest Game is the only book the soccer fan will ever need.

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