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Always Be Testing: The Complete Guide to Google Website Optimizer

di Bryan Eisenberg

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Stop guessing, start testing, and enjoy greater success with your website. If you're looking for more leads, sales, and profit from your website, then look no further than this expert guide to Google's free A/B and multivariate website testing tool, Google Website Optimizer. Recognized online marketing guru and New York Times bestselling author, Bryan Eisenberg, and his chief scientist, John Quarto-vonTivadar, show you how to test and tune your site to get more visitors to contact you, buy from you, subscribe to your services, or take profitable actions on your site. This practical and easy-to-follow reference will help you: Develop a testing framework to meet your goals and objectives Improve your website and move more of your customers to action Select and categorize your products and services with a customer-centric view Optimize your landing pages and create copy that sells Choose the best test for a given application Reap the fullest benefits from your testing experience Increase conversions with over 250 testing ideas Take the guesswork out of your online marketing efforts. Let Always Be Testing: The Complete Guide to Google Website Optimizer show you why you should test, how to test, and what to test on your site, and ultimately, help you discover what is best for your site and your bottom line.… (altro)
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Excellent introduction to measuring response using Google Analytics ( )
  RicDay | Jan 23, 2009 |
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Stop guessing, start testing, and enjoy greater success with your website. If you're looking for more leads, sales, and profit from your website, then look no further than this expert guide to Google's free A/B and multivariate website testing tool, Google Website Optimizer. Recognized online marketing guru and New York Times bestselling author, Bryan Eisenberg, and his chief scientist, John Quarto-vonTivadar, show you how to test and tune your site to get more visitors to contact you, buy from you, subscribe to your services, or take profitable actions on your site. This practical and easy-to-follow reference will help you: Develop a testing framework to meet your goals and objectives Improve your website and move more of your customers to action Select and categorize your products and services with a customer-centric view Optimize your landing pages and create copy that sells Choose the best test for a given application Reap the fullest benefits from your testing experience Increase conversions with over 250 testing ideas Take the guesswork out of your online marketing efforts. Let Always Be Testing: The Complete Guide to Google Website Optimizer show you why you should test, how to test, and what to test on your site, and ultimately, help you discover what is best for your site and your bottom line.

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