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Mr In Between

di Neil Cross

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Jon Bennet works for the Tattooed Man. He's the ideal employee - efficient, conscientious, and utterly loyal to the man for whom he maims and kills. But Jon's solitary, ordered lifestyle is threatened when he encounters some old friends from school.
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I first got interested in Mr. In-Between when I learned Neil Cross is behind the series Luther and used to work on Spooks. While I was expecting it to be a raw story, I'm not sure anything could have prepared me for the thoroughly depressing world of Jon.

As an assassin to The Tattooed Man he kills and maims on order, without ever feeling anything about it. It is not just his job, but everything that seems to have this dark, gruesome and hopeless atmosphere. Even when he meets some people from 'before' and he is said to re-enter the normal world, a feeling left me wondering whether he was being pulled there, or was he not pulling them with him into the darkness.

Nice is not a term to describe a novel like this. I can't even say I enjoyed reading it. But somehow it did have something interesting. However, I bore quickly from lengthy descriptions of torture and I'm not sure I would read more books by Mr. Cross.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! ( )
  Floratina | Dec 7, 2019 |
An excellent thriller with a twist. If you jump you can choose which direction. ( )
  wrichard | Dec 3, 2005 |
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Jon Bennet works for the Tattooed Man. He's the ideal employee - efficient, conscientious, and utterly loyal to the man for whom he maims and kills. But Jon's solitary, ordered lifestyle is threatened when he encounters some old friends from school.

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