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Everyday Raw di Matthew Kenney
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Everyday Raw (edizione 2008)

di Matthew Kenney

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Everyday Raw is an exciting new cookbook that will introduce the benefits and pleasure of eating healthful food that is organic, fresh and good for you! Preparing and eating raw food does not mean bland, whether it is a smoothie, a salad or a mid-morning snack, you will love the tantalizing and delicious recipes included here. Filled with luscious photography, Chef Matthew Kenney has been preparing raw food for years and offers up a variety of delectable recipes including Chocolate-Cherry Smoothie, Red-Chile Pineapple Dipping Sauce, Sesame Cashew Dumplings, Portobello Fajitas and a Lemon Macaroon Cheesecake Tartlet that will leave you wondering why you haven't started eating raw food sooner!.… (altro)
Titolo:Everyday Raw
Autori:Matthew Kenney
Info:Gibbs Smith (2008), Paperback, 160 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Everyday Raw di Matthew Kenney

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"This is a unique cookbook, and although I m not quite sure if it s my style, but there are a lot of good ideas for a vegetarian/vegan in here. While I may not use this cookbook, it certainly opens my eyes to new foods. There are a number of sprouted grains, types of sauces, and ways to prepare ingredients I never knew existed! I am curious about the use of a dehydrater (which appears to replace an oven in some cases).[return][return]Last night I tried the Salsa Fresca and the Miso Soup& because they were the only two recipes where I didn t have to go to the store to get anything. Definitely need to plan ahead next time. I d like to try the Rosemary-Garlic Mashed Potatoes but with real potatoes. See what I mean by ideas and inspiration?[return][return]For more thoughts about eating raw, visit" ( )
  monnibo | Nov 9, 2012 |
I was really surprised at all of the complex foods with high soaking and dehydration times. With "everyday" raw I was looking for more quick meals. I think this will discourage some people away from raw food. Then again, if you are already a raw foodist and have a dehydrator, then you might love this book. As for me, I'm just experimenting with adding more raw food to my diet and this didn't do much for me. ( )
  jfoster_sf | Sep 17, 2011 |
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Everyday Raw is an exciting new cookbook that will introduce the benefits and pleasure of eating healthful food that is organic, fresh and good for you! Preparing and eating raw food does not mean bland, whether it is a smoothie, a salad or a mid-morning snack, you will love the tantalizing and delicious recipes included here. Filled with luscious photography, Chef Matthew Kenney has been preparing raw food for years and offers up a variety of delectable recipes including Chocolate-Cherry Smoothie, Red-Chile Pineapple Dipping Sauce, Sesame Cashew Dumplings, Portobello Fajitas and a Lemon Macaroon Cheesecake Tartlet that will leave you wondering why you haven't started eating raw food sooner!.

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