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Trailer Trashed: My Dubious Efforts Toward Upward Mobility

di Hollis Gillespie

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322773,413 (3.2)1
Hollis Gillespie used to be embarrassed about having an alcoholic, trailer-salesman dad and a bomb-making mom with broken dreams of being a beautician. If anyone asked about her family, she would tell them her parents were wealthy and that she came from a refined background. She never mentioned the time they lived in a mobile home two miles north of the Tijuana border. Trailer Trashed is a collection of interconnected essays, ranging from hilarious to heart-breaking, all on one broad theme - Hollis Gillespie's relationships with her equally offbeat sisters, her precocious daughter, her bizarre friends, and the people they love.… (altro)
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I liked these little essays, though I did find that their charm was wearing thin by the end. I liked the parts about her childhood, and her eccentric parents best. She has two earlier books that I will no doubt read. It was an interesting book that was intermittently pretty hilarious with the odd descent into sentimentality. ( )
  satyridae | Apr 5, 2013 |
Classically Hollis...quirky humor with a lesson learned. ( )
  mina8688 | Sep 21, 2008 |
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Hollis Gillespie used to be embarrassed about having an alcoholic, trailer-salesman dad and a bomb-making mom with broken dreams of being a beautician. If anyone asked about her family, she would tell them her parents were wealthy and that she came from a refined background. She never mentioned the time they lived in a mobile home two miles north of the Tijuana border. Trailer Trashed is a collection of interconnected essays, ranging from hilarious to heart-breaking, all on one broad theme - Hollis Gillespie's relationships with her equally offbeat sisters, her precocious daughter, her bizarre friends, and the people they love.

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