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Earth treasures: rocks and minerals (P-H junior research books)

di Iris Tracy Comfort

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This is about some of the different rocks and minerals and how to identify them. It explains how rocks are formed and the Earth’s changes behind those formations. How to perform different tests to identify the minerals that make up the rocks are described. The birthstones and where they are generally located are also discussed. It ends with a list of things necessary to bring along when going rock hunting and ways to enhance one’s rock collection.

The fact that rocks and minerals do not remotely interest me is partly why I did not really enjoy this book. I chose it because I have to identify rocks and minerals in my physical science course soon and thought I would get some information on the subject and knock out a book review at the same time! Anyway, I think whether the subject interests me or not the format and style of the book could have been more captivating rather than simulating school textbooks. There was no connection the reader could relate to or feel a part of. I guess what should be kept in mind though, is that this book is dated back to 1964! And just a side note, it did provide some valuable information for my science course.

One extension is to have the students do what I have to do for my class: get in groups, hunt for rocks, and attempt to identify them by using the tests mentioned in the book. Another extension would be to read the book aloud and discuss how interesting or not it was. I am betting that the majority of the class will not be excited about rocks and that they will think the book is boring. Then I would have them look up and find books on the same subject that do capture their interest. They can bring those books in and explain why they were more interesting than the one read aloud, and discuss the differences in style and other important factors that make children want to read. This could be for a language arts or literature class, learning about different styles and types of books (sounds familiar!) or for a science class because the more books they skim through to find one that makes them somewhat interested in rocks, the more they will probably actually learn about them! It’s a two-for-one. ( )
  CTieyah | Mar 28, 2008 |
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