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Sisters of the Sword di Maya Snow
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Sisters of the Sword (originale 2008; edizione 2009)

di Maya Snow (Autore)

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18113155,914 (3.79)1 / 3
Two aristocratic sisters in ancient Japan disguise themselves as samurai warriors to take revenge on the uncle who betrayed their family.
Titolo:Sisters of the Sword
Autori:Maya Snow (Autore)
Info:HarperCollins (2024), 292 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Da leggere

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Sisters of the Sword di Maya Snow (2008)

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» Vedi le 3 citazioni

In this book Sisters of the Sword, Kimi's and Hana's power hungry Uncle kills their father because he believes he is truly the right Jito, though he is only a murderer. Their Uncle killed their brothers, but one of them survived, along with their mother. Kimi's and Hana's little brother Moriyasu, is the true heir for the place of Jito. Kimi and Hana have to save Moriyasu and their mother so that their power hungry Uncle will be killed and the true Jito will take his place. I would recommend this book to people who like adventurous stories. ( )
  snikita | Mar 11, 2011 |
I really loved this book. I loved that it was light and easy but still really informative and creative. The plot is very unique, and Kimi and Hana are love-able characters. Their friendship with Tatsuya, another boy in training, is fun and sweet. I liked it because Kimi and Hana were so innocent, and the book was a nice change. I also really liked Master Goku's character. I thought he was wise and a nice addition to the book.

I am also a big sucker for historical fiction, so I may be a little biased! Nonetheless, the story was imaginative and cute - I will for sure pick up the sequels! ( )
  chlokie | Feb 5, 2011 |
This was a good book, I'll definitely be reading the next one. One thing that I wish the book had done better is to better develop the characters--the story was really interesting, but it didn't make me feel like I knew the two sisters, or their friends. I'm hoping the next one will do better in that respect, but I'm still curious to see what happens. ( )
  jfoster_sf | Dec 18, 2010 |
Kimi and hana live in japan, they watch their older brothers and father get killed by their uncle. The people that would like this book are people that like samurai and adventure.
  2017avdmeij | May 11, 2010 |
A girl, trying to avenge her families death, runs away with her sister, trying to find the man who separated her family. This book is perfect for people who love action and fighting, spies, deceitfulness, and much, much more! ( )
  2017ckinde | May 11, 2010 |
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For Ellis and Claudia—

two inspirational young women
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

Two aristocratic sisters in ancient Japan disguise themselves as samurai warriors to take revenge on the uncle who betrayed their family.

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Media: (3.79)
1.5 1
2 4
2.5 1
3 10
3.5 3
4 4
4.5 1
5 15

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