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Gift of Gold (1972)

di Beverly Butler

Serie: Cathy Wheeler (2)

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694396,242 (3.85)8
A young girl is determined to prove she can succeed as a speech therapist despite her blindness.
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Cathy lost her sight as a teenager, and now as a college student, she's working to become a speech therapist. When the head of her school's speech department suggests Cathy's choice of profession is unrealistic for a blind person, Cathy becomes all the more determined to succeed. But after a doctor's appointment gives her hope of regaining a measure of her sight, Cathy may roll out a new plan for her future in Gift of Gold by author Beverly Butler.

I remember the day I first came across this novel in my adolescence, seeing the old-fashioned cover art depicting a woman in a green head scarf, holding the harness of a service dog. I had no idea then that the author herself was blind or that I'd be revisiting this novel years later, and then more years after that.

But now having read this book three times, I can say it's just as powerful as it was to me the first time. Maybe more so.

Yes, I still like the old-fashionedness of it, the plastic rain scarves and typewriters and all. Nevertheless, what I may love most is that this isn't some predictable, run-of-the-mill tale merely about goals and dreams. This is a complex, soul-searching kind of read. It's smart in style with wit and wisdom. Not at all fast-paced, but anything but flat.

In the last quarter especially, Cathy's journey pulls no punches. It even gets pretty depressing for a while, but I find it all the more compelling for not being too easy. The truth, growth, and hope in Cathy's story is earned. Plus, there's a nice little thread of down-to-earth romance tied in.

A novel about not only facing your outward challenges but taking a deep, honest look at yourself—so worth the read. ( )
  NadineC.Keels | Jun 5, 2018 |
Not as compelling as its predecessor, Light A Single Candle. ( )
  JenniferRobb | Jan 17, 2016 |
Another childhood favorite I reread recently as a brain-break – a sequel to Butler's Light a Single Candle, which I'd suggest you read first if you want to pick this one up. Gold could stand alone, but it has much more impact if you know the main character's background.

After losing her sight at the age of 14, Cathy Wheeler had to give up her dreams of becoming an artist. Light ends with a suggestion that she'll go on to become a writer instead. But Gold begins with Cathy in college studying to become a speech therapist.

I remember as a kid feeling disappointed by this turn of events, especially when it becomes clear immediately that Cathy is not in love with her studies. She's hardworking and conscientious, but she fell into her major pretty much by accident, and is now sticking with it more from stubbornness than anything else.

She tells herself she's just being practical. Plenty of people have jobs they don't adore, after all. But as her friends and family pursue work they're passionate about, her stolid pragmatism begins to crack.

The main plot line is ostensibly about the hope an eye doctor offers her for regaining some vision, but really this is a story of a young woman learning not to settle for less than true love – not just romantically, though that's important too, but in every aspect of life. Yes, Cathy is completely blind. She's also solidly middle class, and has all the options that come along with a supportive family and the chance to obtain a university education. Under those circumstances, why on earth would anyone slog through life doing a job that makes them feel just "meh"?

Recommended for all ages. ( )
  Deborah_Markus | Aug 8, 2015 |
In "Gift of Gold" we are back with Cathy Wheeler about 4 or so years after "Light a Single Candle". Cathy is in her junior year at college, with doubts about her choices for a career. She sees her friends going in different directions, her clinics as a student teacher are causing her frustration, and the new 'no nonsense' head of the speech therapy department is making her miserable.

But suddenly she is finding the company of a new boyfriend and a renewed hope for the return of a limited amount of vision to be just what she needs...or is it?

Again the author has done a credible job of fleshing out her characters, and making us see their hopes, dreams, doubts and decisions. I finished reading "Gift of Gold" with a little sadness that there was no third book to enjoy as well. ( )
  fuzzi | Mar 31, 2013 |
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Dedicated to Sister Mary Huberta Vermeulen, with love and deepest appreciation
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Robins were chirping among the campus oaks as if it were still midsummer, but it wasn't the September sun pouring in through the third floor therapy room window that was raising the film of moisture on Cathy Wheeler's upper lip.
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A young girl is determined to prove she can succeed as a speech therapist despite her blindness.

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