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Dear Author: Students Write About the Books That Changed Their Lives

di Weekly Reader's Read Magazine

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A collection of letters from students to an assortment of authors both past and present about the impact of their work on the lives of their readers.
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At times you can almost see through some of the student's statements, and the fact that they are tgetting special credit for composing this what some may call flowery b***s***. but is it, really? No, we must beliefve that sometimes (and hopefully most of the time) a 12-yearf-old is just q 12-year-old and they really did go through the emotional experiences they talk aboujt. My question is: what happens when indivdual books are not available except on demand or by kindle? will themotional ties be aqs storng? i do not think so, but then, that is why my generation must pass on and others take our place. ( )
  andyray | Nov 22, 2010 |
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A collection of letters from students to an assortment of authors both past and present about the impact of their work on the lives of their readers.

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