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Quentins di Maeve Binchy
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Quentins (originale 2002; edizione 2002)

di Maeve Binchy

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2,945434,962 (3.63)69
While filming a documentary about Quentins, a famed Dublin restaurant, Ella Brady explores the changing face of the city from the 1970s to the present day as she captures the stories of the people who have made Quentins a center of their lives.
Autori:Maeve Binchy
Info:Dutton Adult (2002), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 359 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Quentins di Maeve Binchy (2002)

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» Vedi le 69 citazioni

My second book by this author, a great feel good story about various people associated with a restaurant in Dublin. The only downside was the main character was not smart at all, and became a bit tedious. ( )
  zmagic69 | Mar 31, 2023 |
Lives are changed when people meet the owner of an Irish restaurant.
  BLTSbraille | Sep 2, 2021 |

From the book jacket: Is it possible to tell the story of a generation and a city through the history of a restaurant? Ella Brady thinks so. She wants to film a documentary about Quentins that will capture the spirit of Dublin from the 1970s to the present day. After all, the restaurant … has a thousand stories to tell: tales of love, and betrayal, of revenge; of times when it looked ready for success and of times when it seemed as if it must close in failure.

My reactions
I came late to the Binchy fan club, but better late than never. I really like her style of every-day drama – the kinds of ups and downs we all experience in life. Reading a Binchy novel is a bit like visiting with old friends. Many of her books feature the same ensemble cast of characters, but they don’t have to be read in any particular order.

In this story Ella Brady takes the central role, supported by Brenda and Patrick who run Quentins, her best friend Deirdre, her parents Tom and Barbara, and filmmakers Nick and Sandy. I loved Maude and Simon, who’s grandparents hire Ella to tutor them in math; every scene they are in made me chuckle.

The main plot focuses on Ella and her lover, Don Richardson – a snake if ever there was one. I confess that I was very frustrated with Ella and wanted to slap her silly more than once. Deirdre was the epitome of a supportive friend, never judging or chastising, but simply being there for Ella through all her bad choices and delusional thinking re this “great love.” Made me doubly glad for the many other stories being highlighted for inclusion in the documentary, which gave me a break from this relationship.

I definitely got the feeling of being in Dublin during this period: the economic struggles which led many Irish to seek employment elsewhere, or had them working multiple small jobs to make ends meet. ( )
  BookConcierge | Sep 23, 2019 |
Maeve Binchy has done it again with another excellent novel. This is about life centered around a very special restaurant in Dublin. While there is one main story that affects many people, there are also several other stories interspersed within the novel and everyone of them is interesting and entirely believable! The reader becomes so interested in each character and it truly matters what happens to them. What a great read! ( )
  LilQuebe | Oct 29, 2018 |
I enjoyed the development of the restaurant business in this novel. It differs from Scarlet Feather and yet the author is adept at incorporating characters from her other novels so that you feel like you have insights about them already. It doesn't bother me that characters are derived from other volumes of her work. ( )
  SandyAMcPherson | Sep 26, 2017 |
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Maeve Binchyautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Binchy, KateReaderautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Donnelly, TerryNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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To my dear good Gordon.

Thank you for a lifetime of generosity,

understanding and love.
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When Ella Brady was six she went to Quentins.
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While filming a documentary about Quentins, a famed Dublin restaurant, Ella Brady explores the changing face of the city from the 1970s to the present day as she captures the stories of the people who have made Quentins a center of their lives.

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