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A Slow Fuzzy Screw

di Sharon Maria Bidwell

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This is the second of the Del Fantasma novellas that I have read from Aspen Mountain Press. And I can tell you it won't be the last. "Black Wolf" was a hot story with a sweet romance about finding a life mate. This, however, is a hot story about finding a companion to share with, and worrying about love later.

Normally, I want my gay romance to be all happily ever afters. But, sometimes a dose of reality hits just the right key. That is not to say this has an unhappy ending. Just that the two men that come together aren't experiencing love at first sight. They have found someone to share their sorrow, ease their loneliness and maybe start to build something meaningful with. Shayne has always been attracted to "rough" men. He likes to be dominated, but there is a line between dominance and control/pain. And he always ended up on the wrong side of the line. Leon is all dominance, but there is a tender side to him. Only he doesn't know if he can trust himself not to harm those he cares for. He experienced something horrible in his past, just as Shayne has. When Cody, the owner of Del Fantasma with a gift for matchmaking, sets them up they are skeptical. But, Cody hasn't been wrong yet.

I really enjoyed this story because we got backstory about Leon's people (a special sect of weres), some depth of character for Shayne, a bit more about the mysertious Cody and, oh yeah, hot sex. Really hot sex. Shayne is more than meets the eye, and can hold his own in fight (having learned his lesson from being hurt before) but he's still vulnerable to the far more powerful Leon. This adds a touch of fear to their coupling that pushes it to the edge, but keeps it steamy rather than scary. These two men understand the real world and that happiness doesn't happen in an instant. They'll have to work for it, but that's what makes it worthwhile. I'll be reading more Del Fantasma, and more Sharon Bidwell. Highly recommended. ( )
  jshillingford | Apr 23, 2008 |
Shayne arrives to Del Fantasma Bar searching adventure. Sexual adventure. Voices say that Cody is a vampire and a matchmaker. And when Shayne asks for a Slow Screw he obtains Leon, a Slow Fuzzy Screw. Leon is all his name: a shape-shifter lion tired to be alone, who has asked to Cody to find him a companion. He has no specify a female companion, but he is not gay, so why Cody has settled him with Shayne? Sure the guy is cute, but sometimes Leon sees him more like a prey than a mate. Nevertheless he takes him home.

Sharon maria Bidwell manages to write a brief story with a very arousing sex scene. The uncertainity both of Shayne and Leon about this mating is a masterpiece. Reading the alternative thoughts of the two men make the waiting for the sex growing and when you finally read it, it's really a climax.

Both Shayne than Leon have a tormented past and they have to overcome their fears to build a future together. You don't know if they will succeded in doing so, but you will end this story with a hint of hope. And the certainity that Shayne has found the slow screw of his life.
  elisa.rolle | Oct 2, 2007 |
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