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di V.K. Forrest

Serie: Clare Point (1)

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872320,124 (3.5)Nessuno
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Centuries ago, the shipwrecked vampire clan known as the Kahills came ashore on the sleepy Delaware peninsula of Clare Point. In Eternal, V.K. Forrest introduces readers to the ravishing, undead Fia Kahill, an FBI agent, who's in danger from a vampire slayer--and the one man she must resist but can't...


FBI agent Fia Kahill has just learned her cousin Bobby McCathal is dead. His body is found burned, and his head and hands are missing-the unmistakable calling card of a vampire slayer. When more vampires' corpses surface, Fia knows it's only a matter of time before the killer catches up to her. But that's not her only worry. She's been assigned to work with FBI agent Glen Duncan who is the spitting image of Ian, the man she once loved-and the man who betrayed her...

Fia wants Glen like no other man she's ever desired--and before she knows what's happening, she is deeply immersed in a forbidden love affair. But this time the consequences could be far graver than Fia ever could have imagined. For a killer has her in his sights as his next deadly victim...

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Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Michelle L. Olson:

Eternal was a refreshing vampire novel, a paranormal murder mystery with a kick butt, strong female lead and an incredible supporting cast.

Unlike 'normal' vampires, the Kahill vampires are a sect of Celtic immortals cursed by God to live their lives over and over until they get it right and are forgiven by the Almighty.

Fia Kahill is one of the most human among them. Having left her home town of Clare Point years ago to pursue her career as an FBI agent she tries to distance herself from the rest of the sect as much as possible. She still struggles with what she is a bit and she finds that living as humanly as possible helps to keep her grounded. Unfortunately she still has responsibilities to her brethren, and when a murder happens in her old home town she must return and confront her past and her inner demons.

Glen Duncan is an FBI agent from another field office and is sent to Clare Point to investigate the bizarre murder of the small town postal worker. After arriving, he meets Agent Fia Kahill, a fiery, headstrong, and mysterious woman that he can't help but be drawn to. The chemistry between the two is undeniable and explosive, but neither is willing to act upon their feelings for reasons all their own.

Despite the secrets Fia's obviously keeping, the oddness of the townspeople in general, the strangeness of the case and the unsettling feelings they are having for one another, Glen and Fia work tirelessly to get to the bottom of what's going on in Clare Point and solve the murder.

The mystery was fabulous and I had absolutely no idea until the very end who the bad guy was. I also loved the way that VK introduced numerous members of the supporting cast throughout the story and let us in on little secrets that made me want not only more of this book, but more of the series in general.

LITERAL ADDICTION gives Eternal 4 Skulls and would recommend it for Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and even murder mystery lovers. I can't wait to continue the journey... ( )
  LITERALADDICTION | Sep 20, 2012 |
Publishers should not be allowed to title books. The blandly-named "Eternal" was anything but. Forrest's world is an unusual and compelling one--a Stephen King-style creeptown from the vantage point of the creeps. Her vampires are modern, interesting, and their setup of living life after life, rather than one long run, is intriguing. The mystery is good, characters rich, and she doesn't leave everything tied up in a neat bow. There is plenty more to explore in Clare's Point, and I can't wait for the next blandly-named book. ( )
1 vota frykitty | Nov 24, 2008 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Centuries ago, the shipwrecked vampire clan known as the Kahills came ashore on the sleepy Delaware peninsula of Clare Point. In Eternal, V.K. Forrest introduces readers to the ravishing, undead Fia Kahill, an FBI agent, who's in danger from a vampire slayer--and the one man she must resist but can't...


FBI agent Fia Kahill has just learned her cousin Bobby McCathal is dead. His body is found burned, and his head and hands are missing-the unmistakable calling card of a vampire slayer. When more vampires' corpses surface, Fia knows it's only a matter of time before the killer catches up to her. But that's not her only worry. She's been assigned to work with FBI agent Glen Duncan who is the spitting image of Ian, the man she once loved-and the man who betrayed her...

Fia wants Glen like no other man she's ever desired--and before she knows what's happening, she is deeply immersed in a forbidden love affair. But this time the consequences could be far graver than Fia ever could have imagined. For a killer has her in his sights as his next deadly victim...


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