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The Homeric Hymns: A Translation, with…
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The Homeric Hymns: A Translation, with Introduction and Notes (Joan Palevsky Imprint in Classical Literature) (edizione 2014)

di Diane J. Rayor (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,824159,710 (3.8)23
The Homeric Hymns have survived for two and a half millennia because of their captivating stories, beautiful language, and religious significance. Well before the advent of writing in Greece, they were performed by traveling bards at religious events, competitions, banquets, and festivals. These thirty-four poems invoking and celebrating the gods of ancient Greece raise questions that humanity still struggles with-questions about our place among others and in the world. Known as "Homeric" because they were composed in the same meter, dialect, and style as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, these hymns were created to be sung aloud. In this superb translation by Diane J. Rayor, which deftly combines accuracy and poetry, the ancient music of the hymns comes alive for the modern reader. Here is the birth of Apollo, god of prophecy, healing, and music and founder of Delphi, the most famous oracular shrine in ancient Greece. Here is Zeus, inflicting upon Aphrodite her own mighty power to cause gods to mate with humans, and here is Demeter rescuing her daughter Persephone from the underworld and initiating the rites of the Eleusinian Mysteries. This updated edition incorporates twenty-eight new lines in the first Hymn to Dionysos, along with expanded notes, a new preface, and an enhanced bibliography. With her introduction and notes, Rayor places the hymns in their historical and aesthetic context, providing the information needed to read, interpret, and fully appreciate these literary windows on an ancient world. As introductions to the Greek gods, entrancing stories, exquisite poetry, and early literary records of key religious rituals and sites, the Homeric Hymns should be read by any student of mythology, classical literature, ancient religion, women in antiquity, or the Greek language.… (altro)
Titolo:The Homeric Hymns: A Translation, with Introduction and Notes (Joan Palevsky Imprint in Classical Literature)
Autori:Diane J. Rayor (Autore)
Info:University of California Press (2014), Edition: First Edition, Updated, 192 pages
Collezioni:Classics Library, La tua biblioteca
Etichette:greek, translation

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Homeric Hymns di Homer

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» Vedi le 23 citazioni

I realised I didn't have a copy of this for my Greek literature Oddysey, so I bought this translation off trademe. It was more expensive, but I hoped it would be worth it for the notes.

The hymns were pretty good, my favourite was the hymn to Demeter, and the whole battle of masculine vs feminine power was an interesting interpretation. I also enjoyed the insights into later Greek culture and how some of these ancient beliefs and practices became syncretised into Greek Christianity.

The notes section at the back also contains a basic introduction to each hymn, and I really think these would have been better placed with the hymns themselves, to minimise flipping back and forth. I suppose some people may just want to let the hymns stand on their own. ( )
  weemanda | Sep 6, 2024 |
Recensione sul blog:

Questa è una recensione davvero molto personale. È raccomandato (anzi, quasi obbligatorio) per noi politeisti ellenici, approcciarsi ai testi antichi. L'ho fatto e lo sto facendo. Volevo comprare una copia degli inni da tempo, e non trovandola in italiano ho preso questa.
Gli "Inni Omerici" sono una serie di Inni agli dei ellenici, di cui potete leggere la storia sia online che in questo libro. Ovviamente non sono davvero scritti da Omero, ma hanno una metrica simile tra loro.
Gli inni sono davvero stupendi. La traduzione li rende vicini agli originali e da davvero la sensazione di essere vicini ai Theoi. Penso che la userò nei momenti di preghiera, perché la traduzione su non mi piace granché, proprio come per gli inni Orfici. Anche quello da rimediare...
Lascio qui la traduzione dell'Inno ad Hestia, dea del focolare. È uno dei miei preferiti!

24. Hymn to Hestia
Hestia, you tend the sacred hearth
of far-shooting Lord Apollo in holy Phyto,
anointing-oil ever dripping from your braids-
come to this house, come, sharing your heart
with cunning Zeus: bestow grace on my song.

Molti inni sono brevi, alcuni invece sono lunghi, e molti versi sono mancanti. Spero che un giorno potremo leggerli completi. Davvero mi sento più vicina ai Theoi, e attraverso questi inni possiamo rivivere alcuni miti a loro legati. Miti che io adoro, e che contengono vari insegnamenti!
Uno dei miei preferiti è sicuramente il numero 2, dedicato a Demetra, e che potrebbe essere stato scritto da una donna. Riprende il mito del rapimento di Persefone e davvero pare da un punto di vista femminile. La disperazione di Demetra e di Persefone è quasi palpabile.
Mi domando come potevano davvero essere, cantati dagli aedi, e le sensazione che potevano suscitare.
Forse la cosa che mi ha lasciata un po' perplessa di questa versione è il fatto che non è presente il testo originale dell'inno. Personalmente credo che c'è sempre il bisogno di inserirlo, in modo che si possa controllare da sé la traduzione.
Un po' l'unica pecca è quella. Insomma, gli inni contengono molte informazioni storiche e culturali dei greci, e anche le persone che sono meno avezze a questo tipo di testi o al background storiografico trovano tutte le informazioni necessarie nelle note ai singoli inni. Note che sono parecchio interessanti e che mi hanno dato informazioni in più rispetto alla creazione e alla storia degli inni stessi.
La Rayor fornisce anche una biografia selezionata ed un glossario. Per quanto riguarda la bibliografia, spero di poter trovare quei testi e leggerli per conto mio, per sapere di più su questi testi sacri e sugli studi che li riguardano.
Nel complesso sono contenta di questo acquisto e sono felice di avere potuto leggerli! ( )
  thereadingpal | Jun 14, 2022 |
Beautiful translations.

Unfortunate that the majority of the hymns are so short as the longer ones are great. ( )
  EroticsOfThought | Feb 27, 2018 |
This easy-ro-read translation also has great notes and a pronunciation guide at the back. These poems/verses/hymns are to the point and make it much easier to remember more about the different gods and goddesses. It's all starting to fit together in my head! ( )
  Dreesie | Nov 15, 2016 |
This is a beautiful addition to Penguin's compilation of texts from Greek antiquity. Alongside the Iliad, Odyssey, and Theogony, these hymns add another hue of perspective as to how the ancients related to the gods in the course of day to day public life (or, at very least, a glimpse into some of the traditions and beliefs that they followed).

Jules Cashford's translation aims principally for readability above literality. The result is a mesmerizing taste of another world, but yet a world that is that unlike of that of our own, where the wills and whims of powerful deities drag humanity into confusion, conflict... and meaning, and hope that an answer exists for the plight of human suffering. "As for human beings, I shall harm one and help another," says Apollo, "greatly bewildering the unenviable tribes of the human race." (541-542, p83) Evidently, we have been quite enthralled with the idea of "God's will" for a very long time.
  jamesshelley | Jun 14, 2016 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (74 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Homerautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Athanassakis, Apostolos N.Traduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Boer, CharlesTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Cashford, JulesTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.Traduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
ExekiasImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Humbert, JeanTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Murnachan, SheilaIntroduction and Notesautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Rayor, Diane J.Traduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Richardson, NicholasNotesautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Ruden, SarahTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Sargent, ThelmaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Shelmerdine, Susan C.Traduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Antidôron to John and Kirsten (Athanassakis translation)
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Some, O divine Eiraphiotes, say that Drakanon was your birthplace,
but others claim it was at the wind-swept island of Ikaros, others at Naxos,
and others by the deep-eddying river Alpheios
that Semele conceived and bore you to Zeus who delights in thunder;
And, O lord, some liars say you were born
at Thebes when in truth the father of gods and men
gave birth to you and kept you well out of the sight of men and of white-armed Hera.
(Athanassakis translation)
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

The Homeric Hymns have survived for two and a half millennia because of their captivating stories, beautiful language, and religious significance. Well before the advent of writing in Greece, they were performed by traveling bards at religious events, competitions, banquets, and festivals. These thirty-four poems invoking and celebrating the gods of ancient Greece raise questions that humanity still struggles with-questions about our place among others and in the world. Known as "Homeric" because they were composed in the same meter, dialect, and style as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, these hymns were created to be sung aloud. In this superb translation by Diane J. Rayor, which deftly combines accuracy and poetry, the ancient music of the hymns comes alive for the modern reader. Here is the birth of Apollo, god of prophecy, healing, and music and founder of Delphi, the most famous oracular shrine in ancient Greece. Here is Zeus, inflicting upon Aphrodite her own mighty power to cause gods to mate with humans, and here is Demeter rescuing her daughter Persephone from the underworld and initiating the rites of the Eleusinian Mysteries. This updated edition incorporates twenty-eight new lines in the first Hymn to Dionysos, along with expanded notes, a new preface, and an enhanced bibliography. With her introduction and notes, Rayor places the hymns in their historical and aesthetic context, providing the information needed to read, interpret, and fully appreciate these literary windows on an ancient world. As introductions to the Greek gods, entrancing stories, exquisite poetry, and early literary records of key religious rituals and sites, the Homeric Hymns should be read by any student of mythology, classical literature, ancient religion, women in antiquity, or the Greek language.

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