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Sondheim on Music: Minor Details and Major Decisions

di Mark Eden Horowitz

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741371,837 (4.38)Nessuno
Sondheim on Music presents transcripts of interviews with the most important Broadway composer and lyricist of our time, focusing on his compositional processes. This new edition features an additional chapter on his show Bounce, and a chapter that covers his entire career, including several shows that were not discussed in the first edition. In addition to Sondheim's list of ""Songs I Wish I'd Written,"" there is also a greatly expanded Songlist… (altro)
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Brilliant stuff! There are a few books out there that chart the history of Sondheim's career, and the creation of his shows. None of these are all-encompassing or breathtaking, but each of them is a worthy read to learn about the characters both on and off-stage who made Sondheim's career what it is.

This book, instead, focusses on the creative process within Sondheim's own head, entirely through interviews with the composer. Sondheim is always enjoyable to listen to, and that's no different here: savour the surprises as you learn just how much detail and examination it takes to produce his works. There's so much more going on beneath the surface.

The only problem is - particularly with more than a decade having past - every fan is bound to have their own questions and queries, be they on an entire score or just one note. Any book that gets you thinking like that (especially about such a fine subject) is my kind of book! ( )
  therebelprince | Apr 21, 2024 |
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Sondheim on Music presents transcripts of interviews with the most important Broadway composer and lyricist of our time, focusing on his compositional processes. This new edition features an additional chapter on his show Bounce, and a chapter that covers his entire career, including several shows that were not discussed in the first edition. In addition to Sondheim's list of ""Songs I Wish I'd Written,"" there is also a greatly expanded Songlist

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