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Prince Ivan

di Peter Morwood

Serie: Prince Ivan (1)

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872320,124 (3.43)3
Peter Morwood's fifth fantasy novel is rooted in the myths and folklore of Old Mother Russia, and set in a world where all things are possible. His previous novels are The Horse Lord, The Demon Lord, The Dragon Lord and The Warlord's Domain.
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Very much enjoyed what I've read of it so far; however, it turns out my copy is inexplicably missing 60 pages right at the most crucial point, apparently due to a binding error as there's no sign of damage and no gap. I'll be looking out for a replacement so I can finish it.
  Shimmin | Dec 4, 2013 |
An interesting tale. Ivan is an utter and total idiot at least once, and then it turns into a fairy tale - but even when it's a fairy tale there's real people in it. Things like Vassily's reaction to the barrel, and the way the three of them argue, somehow fleshes the characters out so they're not just stock figures. And Ivan's thinking while he guards the horses - his hope, and uncertainty, and stratagems - again make him more than just the fairy-tale hero. I've read this before, at least a couple times though not recently, and I didn't remember the solution though I recognized it when it came. Very rich. And now I need to read the next - I can't think how they happen, since Ivan is happily married and the Firebird's tale ends with a marriage as see. ( )
  jjmcgaffey | Aug 18, 2010 |
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Peter Morwood's fifth fantasy novel is rooted in the myths and folklore of Old Mother Russia, and set in a world where all things are possible. His previous novels are The Horse Lord, The Demon Lord, The Dragon Lord and The Warlord's Domain.

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Media: (3.43)
2 1
2.5 1
3 6
3.5 2
4 3
5 2

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