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Betty Crocker's Cooky Book di Betty Crocker
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Betty Crocker's Cooky Book (originale 1963; edizione 2002)

di Betty Crocker (Autore)

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9171224,158 (4.27)10
Everybody Loves Cookies! Crispy, chewy, crunchy or chocolaty, cookies are always a favorite. This cookie book is filled to the brim with scrumptious recipes, from sweet treats to delight your family to dainty, delicious bites perfect for sharing with friends. You'll find plenty of great new recipes and ideas, plus the most sought-after, tried-and-true classics to satisfy any cookie craving. Packed with gorgeous photos so you can see exactly what you're making, it's the only cookie book you'll ever need! You'll find the best cookies for: Chocoholic Choices _ Triple Chocolate Brownies, Fudgy Layer Squares, Outrageous Double Chocolate -- White Chocolate Chunk CookiesHoliday Supreme -- Magic Window Cookies, Gingerbread Village, SnowflakesElegant Occasions -- Brandy Snap Cups, Lemon Tea Biscuits, Cappuccino-Pistachio ShortbreadCookie Jar Classics -- Toasted Oatmeal Cookies, Deluxe Chocolate Chip Cookies, Soft Molasses CookiesKid's Ultimate -- Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies, Cookie Pizza, Dream Bars… (altro)
Titolo:Betty Crocker's Cooky Book
Autori:Betty Crocker (Autore)
Info:Harvest (2002), 160 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Betty Crocker's Cooky Book di Betty Crocker (1963)

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» Vedi le 10 citazioni

This is my all time favorite holiday cookie book... It might be my favorite cooking/baking book in general. I love how ridiculous and terribly outdated some of the cookies are... it's so bad sometimes that it's charming. This book is best used for inspiration, and it's almost always a good idea to find an updated recipe elsewhere that'll have a more delicious and authentic outcome than Betty could offer, but the contents are so prolific that it just can't be beat. It's like an encyclopedia of cookies compiled by an insane Grandma who always meant well. This book reminds me of oleo, believing in Santa, and a time when I was too innocent to notice when a cookie was clearly shaped like a penis. ( )
  quinnikins | Jan 15, 2023 |
This is the book I grew up with and that I turn to first for cookie recipes. ( )
1 vota catseyegreen | Dec 8, 2022 |
LOVE this book.... ( )
  LenoreR | Jun 5, 2018 |
This book is a keeper for anyone who loves homemade cookies....
or loves looking at them!

Produced in 2002, it is a facsimile edition of a General Mills 1963 release.
It really is a heritage cookbook (original pictures and recipes), paying tribute to an era.

The reader can feel free to modify according to today's ingredients and eating patterns. ( )
  pennsylady | Jan 23, 2016 |
My mother had the original 1963 version of this book, I swiped it from her cookbook shelf when I left home in 1972, and I used it so much over the years that the covers fell off and half the pages fell out. I'm delighted to find that it's been reissued, and I can't wait to start baking my favorite cookies again. ( )
  soror_peregrina | May 6, 2012 |
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Betty Crockerautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Mulvany, EricIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Who doesn't like cookies ... they're fun to eat, easily portable and always a crowd-pleaser.
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(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
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Wikipedia in inglese


Everybody Loves Cookies! Crispy, chewy, crunchy or chocolaty, cookies are always a favorite. This cookie book is filled to the brim with scrumptious recipes, from sweet treats to delight your family to dainty, delicious bites perfect for sharing with friends. You'll find plenty of great new recipes and ideas, plus the most sought-after, tried-and-true classics to satisfy any cookie craving. Packed with gorgeous photos so you can see exactly what you're making, it's the only cookie book you'll ever need! You'll find the best cookies for: Chocoholic Choices _ Triple Chocolate Brownies, Fudgy Layer Squares, Outrageous Double Chocolate -- White Chocolate Chunk CookiesHoliday Supreme -- Magic Window Cookies, Gingerbread Village, SnowflakesElegant Occasions -- Brandy Snap Cups, Lemon Tea Biscuits, Cappuccino-Pistachio ShortbreadCookie Jar Classics -- Toasted Oatmeal Cookies, Deluxe Chocolate Chip Cookies, Soft Molasses CookiesKid's Ultimate -- Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies, Cookie Pizza, Dream Bars

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