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The Return of Patrick O'Rourke

di N. J. Walters

Serie: Jamesville (3)

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Sometimes, in life, you find everything you're searching for right where you started. Third book in the Jamesville series. Gunned down in the line of duty, New York City cop Patrick O'Rourke returns to his hometown of Jamesville to recuperate from his physical and emotional wounds. His partner is dead and his career depends on his ability to recover from his serious injuries. He doesn't plan on staying for long, so the last thing he wants is a relationship. Shannon Brooker's life certainly didn't turn out the way she'd planned, and she's returned to Jamesville to help her aunt run the local diner. She's not looking for a man. All she wants is some peace of mind. When her abusive ex-husband starts a campaign to terrorize her, Shannon turns to Patrick O'Rourke, the man she had a teenage crush on many years ago. She wants to hire him as a bodyguard, but their relationship quickly becomes more personal than professional. With Shannon wanting a small-town life and Patrick wanting to return to the life he loves as a New York cop, there seems to be no way for them to build a permanent life together. As the threat against Shannon escalates, they are pushed closer together, igniting a passion that will alter their lives forever. Warning: Warning: This title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, and violence.… (altro)
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Hottest of the series and the first one I would classify as erotica. "The Return of Patrick O'Rourke" by N.J.Walters tells the story of two characters who appeared in the first 'Jamesville' series book "Discovering Dani". Patrick is Dani's younger brother and Shannon is Dani's mother-figure's niece. Tight, realistic story with some meat about an abused woman taking back her sexuality and control.

Patrick is recuperating from a successful drug bust shootout that cost him his partner and left him seriously injured. His sister, Dani, drags him back to Jamesville to recover at her house. Patrick runs into Shannon, a waitress and old acquaintance, and is drawn to her almost against his will. Impatient with his recovery rate, he jumps at the opportunity to act as her bodyguard when he discovers her abusive ex has been released from prison early and is threatening her. The more time he spends in Jamesville and with Shannon, the more conflicted he becomes about exactly what his future should hold.

Shannon is a complex woman. She had a crush on Patrick when she was younger, but he never really noticed. She stayed in an abusive marriage for 10 years until her husband almost killed her. The depiction of an abused spouse is eerily accurate and may bother those who are familiar with like situations. Shannon is, however, determined to reclaim her confidence and her sexuality and is making progress. Then her ex is apparently released early from prison and begins his taunting phone calls. Will she ever really be free of him?

Enjoyed this one all the way. Patrick is hot, hot, hot. A dark knight and protector and WAY yummy. I can't wait for Shamus' story which is currently available in ebook and will be released in print November 2008. And Gill Baron's (the Alabama detective who helped Shannon prosecute her ex) story "A Legal Affair" was just released in ebook and is not yet scheduled for print release. Check out N.J.Walter's website for more info. ( )
  jjmachshev | Jul 31, 2008 |
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Sometimes, in life, you find everything you're searching for right where you started. Third book in the Jamesville series. Gunned down in the line of duty, New York City cop Patrick O'Rourke returns to his hometown of Jamesville to recuperate from his physical and emotional wounds. His partner is dead and his career depends on his ability to recover from his serious injuries. He doesn't plan on staying for long, so the last thing he wants is a relationship. Shannon Brooker's life certainly didn't turn out the way she'd planned, and she's returned to Jamesville to help her aunt run the local diner. She's not looking for a man. All she wants is some peace of mind. When her abusive ex-husband starts a campaign to terrorize her, Shannon turns to Patrick O'Rourke, the man she had a teenage crush on many years ago. She wants to hire him as a bodyguard, but their relationship quickly becomes more personal than professional. With Shannon wanting a small-town life and Patrick wanting to return to the life he loves as a New York cop, there seems to be no way for them to build a permanent life together. As the threat against Shannon escalates, they are pushed closer together, igniting a passion that will alter their lives forever. Warning: Warning: This title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, and violence.

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