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The Hat (1997)

di Jan Brett

Serie: Hedgie (4)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
5,5871051,885 (4.14)7
When Lisa hangs her woolen clothes in the sun to air them out for winter, the hedgehog, to the amusement of the other animals, ends up wearing a stocking on his head.
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» Vedi le 7 citazioni

Adorable! Hedgie uses a stocking as a hat. ( )
  wallace2012 | Nov 4, 2023 |
The animals use the hat for different things.
  B-Chad | Jul 4, 2023 |
A hedgehog gets a sock stuck on his head, and to avoid embarrassment he tells the other farm animals it's his stylish new hat, starting a new fad that causes some inconvenience for the little girl of the farm. It's cute, but it's a slightly different but also slightly less satisfying spin on Jan Brett's previous and better book, The Mitten. ( )
  villemezbrown | Nov 24, 2022 |
I really enjoyed reading this book. The illustrations were very detailed and I thought it was really cool how there was foreshadowing images on each of the pages. The story is a good one to read to others about always being yourself and not being worried about fitting in all of the time. ( )
  PaytonSiragusa | Sep 18, 2022 |
Jan Brett writes a beautiful story but the true star of the show are her gorgeous illustrations. I love how the stunning art in the central picture is augmented by the secondary story being told in the images in the side bar. She is a tee master of her craft. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
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For Sara and Joshua Carty
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Winter was on the way.
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When Lisa hangs her woolen clothes in the sun to air them out for winter, the hedgehog, to the amusement of the other animals, ends up wearing a stocking on his head.

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Media: (4.14)
2 5
3 41
3.5 12
4 99
4.5 10
5 89

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