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Dick Cheney Saves Paris: a personal and political madcap sci-fi meta- anti- novel

di Ryan Forsythe

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1131,769,577 (4.33)Nessuno
With insight, humor, and a bit of "I don't know what," Ryan Forsythe turns the modern political satire on its head in this alternative historical novel exploring why Dick Cheney has done the things he's done. We first meet a young Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney in the year 2791 as he endures another of his Dad's lectures on the terrible no good Gore presidency-the source of all suffering in the world after a series of freak time travel accidents vaporized our dearest celebrities. Soon Cheney is on a joyride through time with his buddy Kimo. Unfortunately, their time machine stalls out on the Interyear and Dick finds he is stuck in the Nixon administration. Recalling his father's rants, Cheney realizes he has the opportunity to change history. If he can ensure Gore loses the 2000 election, perhaps 800 years later he could finally make his old man proud. Will the assistance of alien pinochle player Donald Rumsfeld be enough? Or will he have to enlist both foul-mouthed mob boss Ralph Nader and the secretly Republication robot Joseph Lieberman? And what does the Iran-Contra scandal have to with any of this? Forsythe skewers the conventions of modern books and DVDs, with numerous "bonus features." Included are a "Deleted Epilogue" (obviously not deleted); a faux Author Commentary featuring Forsythe and Cheney discussing Cheney's actions in chapter one; and a Reading Group Guide, featuring discussion questions and an author interview. Dick Cheney Saves Paris heralds a new voice in the genre of personal and political madcap sci-fi meta- anti- novels. Read the book about which Brian K. Vaughan says, 'There is no way in hell I'm gonna read this, much less blurb it.'… (altro)
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Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
Fantastic and entertaining read. I love history, politics and sic-fi but have never read a book that combined all three elements. This book was everything I had hoped it would be. Well written, face paced, interesting and funny. Some parts had me laughing out loud. No matter your politics you will get a giggle from this book. Buy it and I promise you will have no regrets. ( )
  EANause | Feb 20, 2013 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
I received the book free from Library Thing, and wasn’t sure what exactly to expect from it. I am old enough and have followed current events long enough to understand and appreciate the plot, characters and antics. I loved the way the author researched the material (or knew?/remembered?) to insert events and personalities correctly and at just the right time to make the story interesting and realistic. I never would have thought of setting a plot in the future in such a neat way to be able to go back into time and relate/change history, and his use of the time machine and yogurt was unique and great. The basic plot is short: Go back in time to prevent the Al Gore presidency and the terrible effects it had. His mix of time travelers we all well remember (I hope), Joe Lieberman, Ralph Nadar, Donald Rumsfeld, work together to prevent the ultimate evil force, Al Gore, from becoming president, which avoids, as I said, the dire circumstances that follow. I thought the way the author illustrated how time travel can alter and impact history was fascinating and just quirky enough to keep the reader’s interest and be believable. I recommend anyone with an interest in or knowledge of history and/or politics, even dick Cheney lovers, get a copy of this book so he can delve into the world of what-ifs. The author has given the reader a fascinating and realistic madcap satire about a time we all should remember. ( )
  KMT01 | Oct 28, 2012 |
First, let me say that this is a very funny book. If you are up on your current events (especially politics since the Nixon administration) you will probably laugh a lot of the jokes pertaining to the antics of Dick Cheney (time traveler and our hero), Donald Rumsfeld (an alien), Joe Lieberman (a robot), Ralph Nadar (time traveling spoil-sport) and of course, Al Gore (who?).

Dick Cheney travels back in time and while there decides to please his old man from the 27th century and make sure Al Gore never gets elected. Several nefarious agents and time travelers are in on the scheme for various reasons and they all come together on one madcap night in November of 2000 (remember that night?) so that good prevails over evil and time can be re-written and that Al Gore does not become president leading to the ultimate evil...which I cannot reveal, or it would spoil it for you, dear reader, and that is part of the fun.

I also loved the varying discussions about the ins and outs of time travel (fueled by yogurt) and the future history regarding the regulation of time travel and some of the problems that arise in the future because we are so able to change history. It makes just enough sense to be fun and thought provoking.

The meta novel part was actually appealing to me as well, as the author, chronicled what I assume is a semi-autobiographical tale of how he came to write and publish this time traveling caper novel on the same day that the real Dick Cheney published his memoirs. I really hope that John Stewert gets a hold of this because Ryan Forsythe would be an excellent guest on the Daily Show. There would be much hilarity. ( )
  acornell | Sep 15, 2011 |
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"The best satirists are those who are able to find a middle ground between our sanity and the insanity of our world. Dick Cheney Saves Paris is the work of a talented humorist. It also has the heart of a great science-fiction story. The niche of time-traveling stories is appreciated, understood and treated with the utmost respect and love."
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Believing as I do that man in the distant future will be a far more perfect creature than he now is, it is an intolerable thought that he and all other sentient beings are doomed to complete annihilation after such long-continued slow progress.

—Charles Robert Darwin, Life and Letters
If reality becomes surrealistic, what must fiction do to be realistic?

—Joe David Bellamy, Superfiction, or The American Story Transformed: An Anthology
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this one's for you, Dick
consider it a small gift among half-ninth cousins, twice removed

and for Paris
thanks for the cologne, darling,
but I already have a BFF (my wife)
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A man sits reading in a chair.
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With insight, humor, and a bit of "I don't know what," Ryan Forsythe turns the modern political satire on its head in this alternative historical novel exploring why Dick Cheney has done the things he's done. We first meet a young Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney in the year 2791 as he endures another of his Dad's lectures on the terrible no good Gore presidency-the source of all suffering in the world after a series of freak time travel accidents vaporized our dearest celebrities. Soon Cheney is on a joyride through time with his buddy Kimo. Unfortunately, their time machine stalls out on the Interyear and Dick finds he is stuck in the Nixon administration. Recalling his father's rants, Cheney realizes he has the opportunity to change history. If he can ensure Gore loses the 2000 election, perhaps 800 years later he could finally make his old man proud. Will the assistance of alien pinochle player Donald Rumsfeld be enough? Or will he have to enlist both foul-mouthed mob boss Ralph Nader and the secretly Republication robot Joseph Lieberman? And what does the Iran-Contra scandal have to with any of this? Forsythe skewers the conventions of modern books and DVDs, with numerous "bonus features." Included are a "Deleted Epilogue" (obviously not deleted); a faux Author Commentary featuring Forsythe and Cheney discussing Cheney's actions in chapter one; and a Reading Group Guide, featuring discussion questions and an author interview. Dick Cheney Saves Paris heralds a new voice in the genre of personal and political madcap sci-fi meta- anti- novels. Read the book about which Brian K. Vaughan says, 'There is no way in hell I'm gonna read this, much less blurb it.'

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