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Crying with Laughter: My Life Story

di Bob Monkhouse

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Bob Monkhouse has been a star in showbusiness for over 40 years. During those years he has known both triumph and tragedy. This is his story. His first son was born disabled with cerebral palsy; his first marriage fell appart painfully; he has suffered a life long estrange-ment with his brother; he was arrested in 1978 for conspiracy to de-fraud, leading to a two-year struggle with the law which took him to the dock of the Old Bailey. But with these low points came the high -the first smash TV series in 1953; starring in the first CARRY ON film; singing the lead in Rodgers and Hart's THE BOYS FROM SYRACUSE at the Theatre Royal; topping the TV ratings with hit series after hit series; quite a few fondly remembered; love affairs, before happily marrying his long-term secretary, Jackie. Bob's career has brought him into touch with almost every major star entertainment and he has wounderful anecdotes about the famous - Frank Sinatra, Joan Collins, Bob Hope and many more.… (altro)
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A fascinating and entertaining read. Lots of stories about people he's encountered (some rather scurrilous. others pretty awful...the Frankie Howerd one, for starters) and he clearly lived an interesting life in his younger days, even while married with a family. It's all laid bare, not in a bragging way - it just seems like an honest account of his life, warts and all, which was quite refreshing really.
  Flip_Martian | Mar 23, 2018 |
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Bob Monkhouse has been a star in showbusiness for over 40 years. During those years he has known both triumph and tragedy. This is his story. His first son was born disabled with cerebral palsy; his first marriage fell appart painfully; he has suffered a life long estrange-ment with his brother; he was arrested in 1978 for conspiracy to de-fraud, leading to a two-year struggle with the law which took him to the dock of the Old Bailey. But with these low points came the high -the first smash TV series in 1953; starring in the first CARRY ON film; singing the lead in Rodgers and Hart's THE BOYS FROM SYRACUSE at the Theatre Royal; topping the TV ratings with hit series after hit series; quite a few fondly remembered; love affairs, before happily marrying his long-term secretary, Jackie. Bob's career has brought him into touch with almost every major star entertainment and he has wounderful anecdotes about the famous - Frank Sinatra, Joan Collins, Bob Hope and many more.

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