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Brave Dames and Wimpettes: What Women Are Really Doing on Page and Screen

di Susan Isaacs

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541493,961 (3.13)3
Essays. Nonfiction. HTML:

LIBRARY OF CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT This exciting series tackles today's most provocative. fascinating, and relevant issues, giving top opinion makers a forum to explore topic that matter urgently to themselves and their readers. Some will be think pieces. Some will be research oriented. Some will be journalistic in nature. The form is wide open, but the aim is the same: to say things that need saying. "Our media-our journalism, our art-abound with wounded women. We seem to have lost our sturdy immigrant past, forgotten that we once had strong and gallant women heroes like Willa Cather's My Antonia. We are descendants of brave dames like these, not a nation of weaklings. . . A damsel in-distress, movie-of-the-week mentality has infected our film and fiction. Despite the most recent revolution in women's rights, we are still being portrayed as the gender of the quivering lower lip. . . " FROM BRAVE DAMES AND WIMPETTES. In this thoroughly witty, incisive look at the role of women on screen and page, Susan Isaacs argues that assertive, ethical women characters are losing ground to wounded, shallow sisters who are driven by what she calls the articles of wimpette philosophy. (Article Eight: A wimpette looks to a man to give her an identity. )

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Less a book than an extended essay, this survey of female characters in movies and television carves out a swath of popular culture far too broad to analyze in its 60-odd pages. The analysis of individual characters is, as a result, too brief and shallow to be of much interest. The simplistic either-or division in the title makes matters significantly worse. Before long, Isaacs falls into a repetitive pattern: a paragraph or two of analysis, followed by summary judgment. "Wimpette--off with her head! Next case!" All this is doubly frustrating because, when she slows down and takes her time, Isaacs has interesting things to say. Tackled at five or six times the length, her take on this material would have been interesting. At this length, it's just frustrating. ( )
  ABVR | Feb 10, 2008 |
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Essays. Nonfiction. HTML:

LIBRARY OF CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT This exciting series tackles today's most provocative. fascinating, and relevant issues, giving top opinion makers a forum to explore topic that matter urgently to themselves and their readers. Some will be think pieces. Some will be research oriented. Some will be journalistic in nature. The form is wide open, but the aim is the same: to say things that need saying. "Our media-our journalism, our art-abound with wounded women. We seem to have lost our sturdy immigrant past, forgotten that we once had strong and gallant women heroes like Willa Cather's My Antonia. We are descendants of brave dames like these, not a nation of weaklings. . . A damsel in-distress, movie-of-the-week mentality has infected our film and fiction. Despite the most recent revolution in women's rights, we are still being portrayed as the gender of the quivering lower lip. . . " FROM BRAVE DAMES AND WIMPETTES. In this thoroughly witty, incisive look at the role of women on screen and page, Susan Isaacs argues that assertive, ethical women characters are losing ground to wounded, shallow sisters who are driven by what she calls the articles of wimpette philosophy. (Article Eight: A wimpette looks to a man to give her an identity. )


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