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Framed For Murder (A Pine Cove Mystery)

di Marla A. White

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Aggiunto di recente dasherry69, FerneMysteryReader
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Every once in a while I need a palette cleanser, an easy read to while away the hours, and a cozy mystery is always a good fit. That’s why I’m sharing Framed For Murder by Marla A White. a perfect fit for poolside reading.

I love dysfunctional and quirky characters, and we have a plentiful supply. We have a laugh out loud grandmother, who is a computer whiz, that makes a visit to the small town of Pine Cove. We have Poppy, a cat burglar and Mel, who is the main character. She was a cop in Los Angeles, until she was benched after an injury. We have Gregg Marks, the Deputy Sheriff, Jackson Thibodeaux, a love interest and owner of the Hungry Puppy, Liam, Mel’s brother, is in town to help with The Babbling Brook, Mel’s B&B, repairs. We gotta have a critter and we do. Chewbarka is a Labradoodle. All the requirements for a cozy mystery are in Framed For Murder.

We have plenty of mystery, murder, and crime, but I never felt a sense of urgency. I love to be so into the book that I race through the pages. Framed For Murder kept me reading, but I strolled through the pages, happy to find the answers in the author’s time.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Framed For Murder by Marla A White.

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  sherry69 | Jun 17, 2024 |
The past: Emmeline (Mel) O’Rourke was a Los Angeles patrol officer and scaled mountains with her brother Liam. That was before an accident during a rooftop chase. That was before the aftermath forced Mel into early retirement, leaving the only job she had ever wanted.

The present: Mel’s life is the Babbling Brook Bed and Breakfast in Pine Cove, owning it with her family, living onsite, and being responsible for day-to-day operations. Liam owns a contracting company, so he visits the B&B periodically to take care of needed maintenance.

The surprises: I put forth 2 names. Poppy Phillips and Grandma O’Rourke. Talk about surprises! I can’t wait until you meet them!

I loved this cozy! The setting of the B&B, the characters that include Mel’s friend’s dog Chewbarka or Chewie for short that takes advantage of escape possibilities, and the delightful sprinkling of humor throughout the storyline. Mel’s acrophobia and the different ways explored to cope with her phobia was well-written. It not only gave depth to her character but was meaningfully layered as an integral part of the storyline.

Thank you to Marla White for the opportunity to be a member of the ARC Team. Opinions expressed in this review are my own. ( )
  FerneMysteryReader | May 11, 2024 |
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A HUGE thank you to all my beta
readers, particularly Carolyn and
Jen. I couldn't have done this
without you.
And a loving thank you to
firefighters everywhere who keep
the very real mountain top cities
like my fictional Pine Cove safe
from devastating wildfires at
the risk of your own lives.
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Night had long since fallen on Palm Springs, though the city lights made it impossible to confirm the stars were still shining in the sky above, even from Poppy's viewpoint atop the positively Spartan glass and concrete office building.
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