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Bad Cop: Peter Dutton's Strongman Politics; Quarterly Essay 93

di Lech Blaine

Serie: Quarterly Essay (93)

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Where will Dutton lead the Coalition? A portrait of Peter Dutton, as well as a modern interrogation of the Australian suburbs and the people who live there. 2022 saw the splintering of the Liberal Party's electoral coalition. Influential conservatives have urged Peter Dutton to forget about the seats lost to the Teal independents and instead pursue outer-suburban and regional seats held by Labor. Since then we have seen his manoeuvring on the Voice. The mortgage crunch in the outer suburbs. The rental and housing crisis, especially for millennials and under. What does Peter Dutton know about the Australian electorate? Has he updated Menzies' Forgotten People pitch for the age of anxiety? Or will he collapse the Liberals' "broad church"? An essential essay for 2024.… (altro)
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This is a political biography of Peter Dutton, at the time of writing, the Opposition Leader in Australia' Federal Parliament.

Dutton has been in politics since his late teens, though not holding office until a failed stint at university, a short career in the Queensland police force as well as, with his father, a property developer. The Liberal Party of which he is a member, has seen a reversal of fortunes in recent decades. Indeed one thesis espoused by the author is that the positions of both the current government led by the Labor Party has captured the once Liberal heartland of small and large business whereas the Liberals, and Dutton in particular believe the way back is to appeal to the battlers, and certainly not the TEALS/Greens who have arisen in recent years in particular in inner capital cities.

Dutton is portrayed as almost one dimensional, ruthless (or at least devoted) in his pursuit of winning Government, a 'strong man' and possibly a difficult leader to follow (in the sense that it is not immediately clear that all members of his party believe in his vision).

The implication is that Dutton is perhaps more pragmatic (to use a somewhat neutral) word that his opponents, and it is not the author's remit in a short essay like this to also address in any depth the corresponding approach of the Labor Party. But the essay is far from the 'hatchet job' that a review in The Weekend Australian (13-14 April 2024) made it out to be. Indeed that review was less a review of this essay and more a lament that Quarterly Essay more generally had descended into a partisan- leftist series.

An worthwhile read in order to get a different perspective on Dutton and some speculation as to how he might approach the next election.

Big Ship

23 April 2024 ( )
  bigship | Apr 22, 2024 |
Leaves one longing for the politics of a past age. Modern politics has become relentlessly narrowed into the acquisition of power and the deception of the electorate. Dutton is the latest manifestation of that trend. ( )
1 vota PhilipJHunt | Mar 30, 2024 |
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Where will Dutton lead the Coalition? A portrait of Peter Dutton, as well as a modern interrogation of the Australian suburbs and the people who live there. 2022 saw the splintering of the Liberal Party's electoral coalition. Influential conservatives have urged Peter Dutton to forget about the seats lost to the Teal independents and instead pursue outer-suburban and regional seats held by Labor. Since then we have seen his manoeuvring on the Voice. The mortgage crunch in the outer suburbs. The rental and housing crisis, especially for millennials and under. What does Peter Dutton know about the Australian electorate? Has he updated Menzies' Forgotten People pitch for the age of anxiety? Or will he collapse the Liberals' "broad church"? An essential essay for 2024.

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