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The Prayer of Saint Francis: A Message of Peace for the World Today

di Leonardo Boff

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"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.Where there is hatred let me sow love, Where there is injury, pardon . . .For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we are pardonedAnd it is in dying that we are born to eternal life".This famous prayer, traditionally attributed to Saint Francis, has traveled the world, winning hearts and inspiring minds with its simple and persuasive witness to the power of unconditional love. As Leonardo Boff shows in his moving reflections, this love not only brings each person the promise of eternal salvation, but also provides the basis for social peace, redeems the world, and constitutes the hidden meaning of the universe.… (altro)
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  Feira.noviciado | Apr 14, 2021 |
Christian practice and observance > Devotional Literature > Particular Prayers; Prayers on Particular Themes; Prayers to Particular Persons > Religion
  FHQuakers | Feb 12, 2018 |
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  societystf | Apr 21, 2016 |
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"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.Where there is hatred let me sow love, Where there is injury, pardon . . .For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we are pardonedAnd it is in dying that we are born to eternal life".This famous prayer, traditionally attributed to Saint Francis, has traveled the world, winning hearts and inspiring minds with its simple and persuasive witness to the power of unconditional love. As Leonardo Boff shows in his moving reflections, this love not only brings each person the promise of eternal salvation, but also provides the basis for social peace, redeems the world, and constitutes the hidden meaning of the universe.

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