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The Hurricane Wars #2: A Novel

di Thea Guanzon

Serie: Hurricane Wars (2)

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"Thea Guanzon's talent is limitless, and she is the kind of writer that comes around once in a generation. Mark my words: lives will be changed by The Hurricane Wars trilogy." -- Ali Hazelwood, New York Times bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis Two hearts circle each other in the eye of the storm in this highly-anticipated follow-up to the New York Times bestseller, The Hurricane Wars--prepare for more enemies-to-lovers romance, magical adventures, and political schemes in this Southeast Asian-inspired world. After a lifetime of war, Alaric and Talasyn were thrust into an alliance between their homelands that was supposed to end the fighting; however, being married to their sworn foe feels far from peaceful. Now Talasyn must play the part of Alaric's willing empress while her allies secretly plot to overthrow his reign. But the longer the couple are forced together, the harder it becomes to deny the feelings crackling like lightning between them. When the time comes to act, can she trust him, or must she ignore her heart for the sake of so many others? As the master of the Shadowforged Legion, Alaric has trained for battle all his life, but marrying a Lightweaver might be his most dangerous challenge yet. With tensions between nations churning, he needs to focus on the greater threat--the Moonless Dark, a cataclysmic magical event that could devour everything. Only he and Talasyn can stop it, with a powerful merging of light and shadow that they alone can create together. But saving their world from this disaster is a mere preface to his father's more sinister schemes, and his wife is a burning flame in the darkness, tempting both his loyalties and his desires. The Hurricane Wars aren't over. It's time to choose what--and who--to fight for. The world holds its breath amidst a whirlwind of new magic and old secrets that could change everything.  … (altro)
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I received a free copy of this e-book (via NetGalley) in exchange for an honest review.

I have to admit I struggled with The Hurricane Wars. This probably stems from the fact that I've read this story in its original form, and seeing it transformed so heavily was a shock. Experiencing a whole new universe of backstory for the characters I already loved was a lot. Which probably explains why I couldn't say I loved THW. When I saw that A Monsoon Rising was preparing for release, I couldn't pass it up.

I enjoyed A Monsoon Rising a lot. This novel is much more focused on Talasyn and Alaric's relationship, their challenges and the secrets they keep. I think this novel benefits from the fact that most of the heavy world building was taken care of in THW. It checked all the right boxes for me, and I can't wait to read the final installment.

I do think AMR is more enjoyable than THW, so I do recommend continuing with the series, if you're on the fence. ( )
  LISandKL | Jul 12, 2024 |
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"Thea Guanzon's talent is limitless, and she is the kind of writer that comes around once in a generation. Mark my words: lives will be changed by The Hurricane Wars trilogy." -- Ali Hazelwood, New York Times bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis Two hearts circle each other in the eye of the storm in this highly-anticipated follow-up to the New York Times bestseller, The Hurricane Wars--prepare for more enemies-to-lovers romance, magical adventures, and political schemes in this Southeast Asian-inspired world. After a lifetime of war, Alaric and Talasyn were thrust into an alliance between their homelands that was supposed to end the fighting; however, being married to their sworn foe feels far from peaceful. Now Talasyn must play the part of Alaric's willing empress while her allies secretly plot to overthrow his reign. But the longer the couple are forced together, the harder it becomes to deny the feelings crackling like lightning between them. When the time comes to act, can she trust him, or must she ignore her heart for the sake of so many others? As the master of the Shadowforged Legion, Alaric has trained for battle all his life, but marrying a Lightweaver might be his most dangerous challenge yet. With tensions between nations churning, he needs to focus on the greater threat--the Moonless Dark, a cataclysmic magical event that could devour everything. Only he and Talasyn can stop it, with a powerful merging of light and shadow that they alone can create together. But saving their world from this disaster is a mere preface to his father's more sinister schemes, and his wife is a burning flame in the darkness, tempting both his loyalties and his desires. The Hurricane Wars aren't over. It's time to choose what--and who--to fight for. The world holds its breath amidst a whirlwind of new magic and old secrets that could change everything.  

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