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Lost and Never Found

di Simon Mason

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Oxford, city of rich and poor, where the homeless camp out in the shadows of the gorgeous buildings and monuments. A city of lost things - and buried crimes. At three o'clock in the morning, Emergency receives a call. 'This is Zara Fanshawe. Always lost and never found.' An hour later, the wayward celebrity's Rolls Royce Phantom is found abandoned in dingy Becket Street. The paparazzi go wild. For some reason, news of Zara's disappearance prompts homeless woman Lena Wójcik to search the camps, nervously, for the bad-tempered vagrant known as 'Waitrose', a familiar sight in Oxford pushing his trolley of possessions. But he's nowhere to be found either. Who will lead the investigation and cope with the media frenzy? Suave, prize-winning, Oxford-educated DI Ray Wilkins is passed over in favour of his partner, gobby, trailer-park educated DI Ryan Wilkins (no relation). You wouldn't think Ray would be happy. He isn't. You wouldn't think Ryan would be any good at national press presentations. He isn't. And when legendary cop Chester Lynch (Black female Deputy Chief Constable from the wrong side of the tracks) takes a shine to Ray - and takes against Ryan - things are only going to get even messier.… (altro)
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I enjoyed Simon Mason’s first two novels featuring the mismatched paid of Detective Inspectors, Ray and Ryan Wilkins, taking especial delight in the wholly inappropriate behaviour of Ryan in contrast to the wholly correct Ray. Embarking on the third novel, however, I felt that the novelty had well and truly worn off, and I actually found Ryan’s antics simply annoying.

The plot seemed rather flimsy, too, and after having looked forward to reading it, I found myself very disappointed with the book. ( )
  Eyejaybee | Feb 28, 2024 |
As I think I say each time, to really enjoy this series you have to accept that Ryan would ever have been employed as a police detective, that he would ever have been promoted to DI, and that the Oxford police force can afford to assign two DIs to work the same case. If you overlook all those unlikely premises, these are excellent. The sense that Ryan might (again) go too far hangs over everything, and Ray is convincingly drawn too, with his own issues. I love the relationship between Ryan and little Ryan.

As for the plot, it was very mysterious and lots of threads came together convincingly in the end. The Oxford setting was strong as ever and the problems of homeless people examined sympathetically, but without sentimentality. ( )
  pgchuis | Jan 25, 2024 |
A troubled socialite crashes her car and then goes missing. The news is all over the media and the two Wilkinses are brought in to investigate. Ray Wilkins has just won an award and is being headhunted to be the face of a new campaign but he is still resentful when Ryan Wilkins is put in charge of the case. Fro Ryan, he is still not controlling his anger well and his relationship with his son is struggling.
I really like this series of books because they do not glamorise the city of Oxford at all. The story may include rich students but is actually more sympathetic to the homeless, the sex workers and the illegal migrants. It's a gritty tale but well told. my only quibble (and it is an ongoing one) is that the two protagonists have such similar names, it must be deliberate but it jars with me! ( )
  pluckedhighbrow | Jan 21, 2024 |
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Oxford, city of rich and poor, where the homeless camp out in the shadows of the gorgeous buildings and monuments. A city of lost things - and buried crimes. At three o'clock in the morning, Emergency receives a call. 'This is Zara Fanshawe. Always lost and never found.' An hour later, the wayward celebrity's Rolls Royce Phantom is found abandoned in dingy Becket Street. The paparazzi go wild. For some reason, news of Zara's disappearance prompts homeless woman Lena Wójcik to search the camps, nervously, for the bad-tempered vagrant known as 'Waitrose', a familiar sight in Oxford pushing his trolley of possessions. But he's nowhere to be found either. Who will lead the investigation and cope with the media frenzy? Suave, prize-winning, Oxford-educated DI Ray Wilkins is passed over in favour of his partner, gobby, trailer-park educated DI Ryan Wilkins (no relation). You wouldn't think Ray would be happy. He isn't. You wouldn't think Ryan would be any good at national press presentations. He isn't. And when legendary cop Chester Lynch (Black female Deputy Chief Constable from the wrong side of the tracks) takes a shine to Ray - and takes against Ryan - things are only going to get even messier.

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