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Betrayal at Blackthorn Park: A Mystery

di Julia Kelly

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"With mystery, intrigue, and the hints of romance international bestselling author Julia Kelly is known for, Evelyne Redfern returns in Betrayal at Blackthorn Park. Freshly graduated from a rigorous training program in all things spy craft, former typistEvelyne Redfern is eager for her first assignment as a field agent helping Britain win the war. However, when she learns her first task is performing a simple security test at Blackthorn Park, a requisitioned manor house in the sleepy Sussex countryside,she can't help her initial disappointment. Making matters worse, her handler is to be David Poole, a fellow agent who manages to be both strait-laced and dashing in annoyingly equal measure. However, Evelyne soon realizes that Blackthorn Park is more thanmeets the eye, and an upcoming visit from Winston Churchill means that security at the secret weapons research and development facility is of the utmost importance. When Evelyne discovers Blackthorn Park's chief engineer dead in his office, her simple assignment becomes more complicated. Evelyne must use all of her-and David's-detection skills to root out who is responsible and uncover layers of deception that could change the course of the war"--… (altro)
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I love a good who-done-it and Betrayal at Blackthorn Park was the perfect mystery full of intrigue, pinning everyone as a suspect.

This is the second book in the series, but I feel like this novel can be read as a standalone. I never once felt lost which I attribute to great writing by Julia Kelly. The suspense kicks off full force as soon as Evelyne gets to Blackthorn Park and from that moment on, I was hooked.

There is something that interested me from the start and I found myself losing sleep as I worked to see if Evelyne would be successful on her first real case. I really enjoyed the whole investigation. The imagery gives dark academia which is perfect for the fall season, and I love that it wasn’t overtly graphic. I enjoyed seeing the obvious bond between David and Evelyne and how great they worked together during their investigation and shared a love of reading. I hope to see their relationship mature further in future installments.

The case is tied up neatly, with who I had guessed all along being the perpetrator, but the last chapter leaves a looming question that we will have to wait for the next installment to unpack. I love this so much! It’s nice to have one mystery solved with another one looming on the horizon. It doesn’t get much better than this!

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the publisher through NetGalley. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own. ( )
  cflores0420 | Sep 19, 2024 |
Evelyne Redfern, fresh from her training to be a spy, is assigned to investigate thefts at Blackthorn Park where unique new weapons are being developed to help England win the war. Since her first case involved solving a murder, she is a bit disappointed. She's even more disappointed to discover that David Poole is to be her handler.

Things go wrong almost from the first. She arrives for her first scoping of the scene to discover the very recently shot Sir Nigel Belram, the chief engineer, in his office. The death was staged to look like a suicide, but Evelyne doesn't believe it. She immediately calls David who rushes to the scene. He isn't pleased to leave fieldwork to become a handler.

As the two try to unravel the strange happenings at Blackthorn Park, the clock is ticking. Sir Winston Churchill is expecting to attend a weapons demonstration in just a few days. Since many of the weapons are failing to perform adequately, the pair need to find out why and unravel which of the scientists might have wanted Sir Nigel dead.

There are a lot of suspicious characters at Blackthorn Park. The place seethes with professional jealousies and some romantic jealousies too as Sir Nigel was a rather noted cad.

This was an entertaining mystery. I like that Evelyne is a mystery lover herself and well-read in the genre. She does manage to get some hints to help her solve her current crime from some of the books she has read. David is also a mystery fan, but he prefers the hard-boiled American variety.

Fans of mysteries set during World War II will enjoy meeting Evelyne and David. ( )
  kmartin802 | Sep 1, 2024 |
This is the second book in a series in which two highly trained agents embark on a mission to investigate a theft at Blackthorn Park. During the investigation, one of the employees is murdered. This complicates the investigation and takes it in a different direction, towards the barnacle bombs. Evie and David work hard to complete the investigation before Churchill visits the facility.

The investigation is a slower process in which we learn about a secret government research facility used for the development of weapons during the war.

Evie and David have created a spectacular team in which they complement each other. It was a mystery where you don’t know who to trust and who to believe, and in the end the suspect turns to be someone you least expected. The investigation was a bit too slow for my taste, but the mystery behind the story held my attention.

This book will appeal to readers who like mysteries and crimes. ( )
  Maret-G | Aug 21, 2024 |
“Betrayal at Blackthorn Park” by Julia Kelly follows SIU (Special Investigations Unit) field agent ms Evelyne Redfern and partner David Poole in 1940’s at war Britain. Murder, sabotage, treason, and greed steal the show in this deceptive mystery sprinkled with a hint of romance. This was a fairly quick read as clues are uncovered swiftly and the main characters go over details of the case. I really enjoyed Evelyne’s character as she was in my opinion very determined and driven. I also liked how the chapters were broken up into shorter segments. I think this would be a great read for any fans of mysteries. ( )
  BirdieMama | Aug 15, 2024 |
It's November, 1940. Evelyne Redfern has just returned to London following her rigorous training within Britain's Special Investigations Unit where she awaits orders for her first mission - a perceived "soft" one to prove of what she is made. She is again paired with David Poole, her newly trained handler. Evelyne is tasked with investigating a report of theft at the covert facility for the development and manufacture of "Ungentlemanly Warfare" munitions - incendiaries for spooks. While stealthily investigating, shots are heard, and Evelyne is the first person on scene of what appears to be a suicide. She takes command of the situation and is soon, along with David, part of the investigation team into this sudden death while still parsing out the anonymous report of theft. The fate of Britain hangs in the balance.

Ms. Kelly has delivered yet another spectacular installment in the Evelyne Redfern mystery series. Her prose is elegant and at times, quite humorous. Her world building based on an historically significant edifice is grand. The story's tension builds gradually holding the reader in thrall until the story resolves itself into a most satisfying conclusion. If historical fiction with a mystery built in appeals, then I highly commend this book to you.

I am grateful to author Julia Kelly and her publisher, Minotaur Books, for having provided a complimentary uncorrected digital galley of this book through NetGalley. Their generosity, however, has not influenced this review - the words of which are mine alone.

Publisher:‎ Minotaur Books
Publication Date: ‎October 1, 2024
Number of Pages:‎ 320
ISBN:‎ 978-1250865519 ( )
  KateBaxter | Aug 10, 2024 |
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"With mystery, intrigue, and the hints of romance international bestselling author Julia Kelly is known for, Evelyne Redfern returns in Betrayal at Blackthorn Park. Freshly graduated from a rigorous training program in all things spy craft, former typistEvelyne Redfern is eager for her first assignment as a field agent helping Britain win the war. However, when she learns her first task is performing a simple security test at Blackthorn Park, a requisitioned manor house in the sleepy Sussex countryside,she can't help her initial disappointment. Making matters worse, her handler is to be David Poole, a fellow agent who manages to be both strait-laced and dashing in annoyingly equal measure. However, Evelyne soon realizes that Blackthorn Park is more thanmeets the eye, and an upcoming visit from Winston Churchill means that security at the secret weapons research and development facility is of the utmost importance. When Evelyne discovers Blackthorn Park's chief engineer dead in his office, her simple assignment becomes more complicated. Evelyne must use all of her-and David's-detection skills to root out who is responsible and uncover layers of deception that could change the course of the war"--

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