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On the Same Page di Haley Cass
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On the Same Page (edizione 2023)

di Haley Cass (Autore)

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Riley Beckett met Gianna Mäkinen-drop-dead gorgeous influencer, trilingual, daughter of world-famous models, yes, that Gianna Mäkinen-their first year at Boston University, and it changed everything for the both of them. After all, when you find the person who just gets you, nothing feels quite "the same" right? And in the ten years since, Riley has come to depend on Gianna more than anyone else in her life. She knows Gianna just as well as she knows herself-maybe better, some days. She knows Gianna is incredibly sex-positive, she knows Gianna doesn't do romance or relationships, and she knows nothing could ever come between them. This is what makes sense to her, all of this is status-quo. But when a holiday party mix-up sets in motion a domino effect of changes to these previously inalienable truths, Riley has to question everything she thought she knew about their relationship. What, exactly, does Gianna mean to her after all?… (altro)
Titolo:On the Same Page
Autori:Haley Cass (Autore)
Info:Independently published (2023), 466 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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On the Same Page di Haley Cass

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I didn't dislike this book, but I must admit that the "friends to lovers" trope isn't my favorite. While I understand the relatability of having a crush on a friend, I've found myself not fully connecting with this storyline. Perhaps it's a personal bias.

Having read many of Haley Cass's books, this one, unfortunately, ranks as the least enjoyable for me. Despite some genuinely funny moments that made me laugh, it didn't capture the same level of enjoyment as her other works. Admittedly, this might be influenced by my preference for storylines.

On a positive note, the book is undeniably well-crafted, polished, and seamlessly ties in with characters from previous Haley Cass novels. The consistency in quality is commendable.

I read this on Kindle Unlimited in January 2024. ( )
  ghugue | Jan 23, 2024 |
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Riley Beckett met Gianna Mäkinen-drop-dead gorgeous influencer, trilingual, daughter of world-famous models, yes, that Gianna Mäkinen-their first year at Boston University, and it changed everything for the both of them. After all, when you find the person who just gets you, nothing feels quite "the same" right? And in the ten years since, Riley has come to depend on Gianna more than anyone else in her life. She knows Gianna just as well as she knows herself-maybe better, some days. She knows Gianna is incredibly sex-positive, she knows Gianna doesn't do romance or relationships, and she knows nothing could ever come between them. This is what makes sense to her, all of this is status-quo. But when a holiday party mix-up sets in motion a domino effect of changes to these previously inalienable truths, Riley has to question everything she thought she knew about their relationship. What, exactly, does Gianna mean to her after all?

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