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The Instruments of Darkness di John Connolly
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The Instruments of Darkness (edizione 2024)

di John Connolly (Autore)

Serie: Charlie Parker (21)

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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:From the international and instant New York Times bestselling author John Connolly, the beloved and brilliant Charlie Parker series returns with a heart-wrenching crime only one man can solve.
In Maine, Colleen Clark stands accused of the worst crime a mother can commit: the abduction and possible murder of her child. Everyone—ambitious politicians in an election season, hardened police, ordinary folk—has an opinion on the case, and most believe she is guilty.

But most is not all. Defending Colleen is the lawyer Moxie Castin, and working alongside him is the private investigator Charlie Parker, who senses the tale has another twist, one involving a husband too eager to accept his wife's guilt, a group of fascists arming for war, a disgraced psychic seeking redemption, and an old, twisted house deep in the Maine woods, a house that should never have been built.

A house, and what dwells beneath.
… (altro)
Titolo:The Instruments of Darkness
Autori:John Connolly (Autore)
Info:Atria/Emily Bestler Books (2024), Hardcover, 500 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:fiction, mystery, Charlie Parker, signed (by bookplate)

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The Instruments of Darkness di John Connolly

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John Connolly is a master at combining elements of the supernatural with a well-plotted thriller and, The Instruments of Darkness, 21st in his Charlie Parker series, is an example of his prowess in the genre. Set in Maine, which as Connolly suggests in the novel, is steeped in strangeness, he brings together a woman accused of the worst crime conceivable for a mother - the killing of her own child, a husband who insists she’s guilty but who has a history of cheating, a psychic who claims to hear the child crying but who has, at best, a spotty record of locating missing children, a very creepy house in the woods, and, of course, Charlie Parker to investigate supported by the Fulchi brothers and Louie and Angel. Throw in an overly ambitious prosecutor and a band of neo-Nazis, one of whom has a grievance against Charlie and Connolly has, once again, provided the reader with one hell of an unremittingly compelling, exciting, atmospheric, and eerie tale with just a touch of humour running through it.

Thanks to Netgalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review ( )
  lostinalibrary | Aug 11, 2024 |
The Instruments of Darkness: A Thriller, Charlie Parker Book 21, John Connolly, Author, Jeff Harding Narrator
This is a great thriller, read by a narrator par excellence, and written by an author with a golden pen. He writes with such humorous descriptions that the book is an easy read and is really enjoyable, even when the story is about a terrible crime. I don’t think there was one wasted sentence either. It is simply a great read.
The setting is Maine. A young mother, Colleen Clark, had previously suffered from postpartum blues. When her toddler suddenly goes missing, and her husband discovers a blood-soaked blanket in the car, all eyes turn toward her. Her husband viciously accuses her of the murder of their son and sues for divorce. She is soon arrested, though there is no body, and she swears she is innocent.
A ladder-climbing, politically-savvy prosecutor, is hoping to use this case to advance her career. It is an election year. She wants to be Attorney General, and she isn’t going to let the idea of guilt or innocence stand in her way. Once Colleen is arrested, all further investigation into other suspects is halted. Colleen and her husband, Stephen, had already been having marital problems, so the disappearance of Henry Clark exacerbated the situation, and she is the only one without an alibi that can be substantiated. Stephen’s reaction, however, was way over the top and shocking in its vindictiveness.
Colleen hires Moxie Castin to defend her. Charlie Parker is the PI helping in the investigation. They thoroughly investigate all leads, and they delicately deal with the charges, gaining the most advantages for their client. When Sabine Drew, a person gifted with second sight, enters the scene, the direction of the investigation changes. She warns the detective about the child’s location and condition. She describes the abduction. Unlike most of the gossips, she does not think Colleen is guilty. Still, most people turn against Colleen and sympathize with her husband, since she is placid and clinical in her approach, and he is very overwrought. Charlie trusts Sabine and follows up on her information.
Charlie and Moxie engage some very interesting people to help uncover the facts. Charlie begins to wonder about Stephen. Since he had cheated on Colleen, could he have wanted to arrange to have the child kidnapped? When his supposed one-night stand is tracked down, all Hell breaks loose. There is a house of horrors in the woods on the Michaud family property. They are a strange family that is reclusive. Sabine was right to be afraid of the location. There are many nightmare visions hidden in those woods.
In the end, will Colleen be convicted? Will her son be recovered? Will we find out who really took Henry from his home and why? Will the truth come out and justice be done? This author has written this story with perfection. ( )
  thewanderingjew | Jun 17, 2024 |
I received this ARC from NetGalley and Atria Books in return for a fair and honest review.

I have read every Charlie Parker novel that has been published and Mr. Connolly repeatedly delivers on the mystery and paranormal aspects of the series. Parker is joined again by Louis and Angel in this story and I find the friendship of the three to be an endearing part of the novels. The tying of loose ends from other stories in the series can be a satisfying aspect but the reader doesn’t need to have read the entire series to enjoy the book. Having said that I highly recommend reading the entire series and look forward to reading subsequent stories. ( )
1 vota Arkrayder | Mar 20, 2024 |
Colleen Clark’s child is missing. When his bloody blanket is found in her trunk, prosecutors with political ambitions are convinced she has murdered him. Most neighbors, strangers, and even her husband believe her to be guilty. Moxie Castin is her attorney and he enlists the help of private investigator Charlie Parker.

There is a lot to consider in this case. The husband’s story is a bit suspect to Parker. A psychic who has helped and hindered past missing child cases steps forward. There is a strange, foreboding house deep in the Maine woods. And, what danger does that Fascist group arming themselves in the adjacent woods bring to the situation?

In addition to the basic mystery, there are aspects of horror and the supernatural, along with some humor. I typically do not like otherworldly elements in a story, but that did not interfere with my enjoyment of this book. Although it seemed long, it was an engrossing read and I was anxious to get to the resolution.

This is the twenty first in the Charlie Parker series. Incredibly, it is the first one I have read; I felt it worked well as a standalone. I liked the repeating characters (and they are characters!), although I think I might have enjoyed them even more if I had read some of their previous adventures.

Thanks to @NetGalley and @atriabooks for the DRC. ( )
  vkmarco | Mar 13, 2024 |
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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:From the international and instant New York Times bestselling author John Connolly, the beloved and brilliant Charlie Parker series returns with a heart-wrenching crime only one man can solve.
In Maine, Colleen Clark stands accused of the worst crime a mother can commit: the abduction and possible murder of her child. Everyone—ambitious politicians in an election season, hardened police, ordinary folk—has an opinion on the case, and most believe she is guilty.

But most is not all. Defending Colleen is the lawyer Moxie Castin, and working alongside him is the private investigator Charlie Parker, who senses the tale has another twist, one involving a husband too eager to accept his wife's guilt, a group of fascists arming for war, a disgraced psychic seeking redemption, and an old, twisted house deep in the Maine woods, a house that should never have been built.

A house, and what dwells beneath.

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