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Uncanny Vows

di Laura Anne Gilman

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Huntsmen (2)

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1911,175,338 (3.33)2
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:Following the events of the high-stakes and propulsive Uncanny Times, Rosemary and Aaron Harker, along with their supernatural hound Botherton, have been given a new assignment to investigate...but the Harkers believe it's a set-up, and there's something far more ancient and deadly instead.
Rosemary and Aaron Harker have been effectively, unofficially sidelined. There is no way to be certain, but they suspect their superiors know that their report on Brunson was less than complete, that they omitted certain truths. Are they being punished or tested? Neither Aaron nor Rosemary know for certain. It may be simply that they are being given a breather or that no significant hunts have been called in their region. But neither of them believes that.

So, when they are sent to a town just outside of Boston with orders to investigate suspicious activity carefully, the Harkers suspect that it is a test. Particularly since the hunt involves a member of the benefactors, wealthy individuals who donate money to the Huntsmen in exchange for certain special privileges and protections.

If they screw this best, they'll be out of favor, reduced to a life of minor hunts and "clean up" for other Huntsmen. At worst, they will be removed from the ranks, their stipend gone—and Botheration, their Hound, taken from them.

They can't afford to screw this up.

But what seems like a simple enough hunt—find the uncanny that attacked a man in his office and sent him into a sleep-like state—soon becomes far more complicated as more seemingly unrelated attacks occur. The Harkers must race to find what is shadowing them, before the uncanny strikes again, and sleep turns into murder—and the Huntsmen decide that they have been compromised beyond repair.

But their quarry may not be the only uncanny in town. Botheration and Aaron both sense something else, something shadowing them. Something old, dangerous...and fey.
… (altro)
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» Vedi le 2 citazioni

I really like this world — it’s exciting, original, and the characters are delightful. After their first adventure, I was so excited to read this one, but I found it a little scattered. The plot just squeaks by, but there are some points that just don’t quite hang together. I hope the larger storyline will pull together as the series continues.

Advanced Readers Copy provided by edelweiss ( )
  jennybeast | Dec 19, 2023 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Laura Anne Gilmanautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Mock Maniscalco, DavinaDesignerautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:Following the events of the high-stakes and propulsive Uncanny Times, Rosemary and Aaron Harker, along with their supernatural hound Botherton, have been given a new assignment to investigate...but the Harkers believe it's a set-up, and there's something far more ancient and deadly instead.
Rosemary and Aaron Harker have been effectively, unofficially sidelined. There is no way to be certain, but they suspect their superiors know that their report on Brunson was less than complete, that they omitted certain truths. Are they being punished or tested? Neither Aaron nor Rosemary know for certain. It may be simply that they are being given a breather or that no significant hunts have been called in their region. But neither of them believes that.

So, when they are sent to a town just outside of Boston with orders to investigate suspicious activity carefully, the Harkers suspect that it is a test. Particularly since the hunt involves a member of the benefactors, wealthy individuals who donate money to the Huntsmen in exchange for certain special privileges and protections.

If they screw this best, they'll be out of favor, reduced to a life of minor hunts and "clean up" for other Huntsmen. At worst, they will be removed from the ranks, their stipend gone—and Botheration, their Hound, taken from them.

They can't afford to screw this up.

But what seems like a simple enough hunt—find the uncanny that attacked a man in his office and sent him into a sleep-like state—soon becomes far more complicated as more seemingly unrelated attacks occur. The Harkers must race to find what is shadowing them, before the uncanny strikes again, and sleep turns into murder—and the Huntsmen decide that they have been compromised beyond repair.

But their quarry may not be the only uncanny in town. Botheration and Aaron both sense something else, something shadowing them. Something old, dangerous...and fey.

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