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The Starfish Sisters: A Novel

di Barbara O'Neal

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582463,399 (4)1
"Phoebe and Suze used to be closer than sisters. Growing up in a quiet and wildly beautiful coastal town in Oregon, they shared everything. Until the secrets they couldn't share threatened their bond and complicated their lives. Now, decades later, Suze, a famous actress desperate for safe haven following a brutal attack, is back in town. Phoebe, a successful illustrator and fabric designer, has discovered keeping a secret means she can't let anyone get close, aside from her beloved granddaughter, Jasmine. As Jasmine's move to London looms, Phoebe doesn't know how to face the return of her old friend and all that's still unsaid between them. Can the two women who've never confronted their past do it now when the choice is between healing and survival?"--… (altro)
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Another great story by this author! She doesn't take the easy way out and smooth over confrontation between long-time friends, Phoebe and Suze. Their friendship is multi-layered with ups and downs like real relationships are.
I love the portrayal of later-in-life women revamping and enriching their lives, and how much we have to offer in our later (and wiser) years.
I felt like I was there on the Oregon beach, and now it's on my bucket list of places to visit! ( )
  JillHannah | Dec 25, 2023 |
Barbara O'Neal is one of my favorite authors ... but although I gave this five stars because I like her writing....this ONE book was just on the slow took so long for things to happen and it sort of kept repeating the problem(s) between Phoebe and Suze, over and over. Fortunately, the ending was absolutely perfect....... ( )
  nyiper | Sep 14, 2023 |
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"Phoebe and Suze used to be closer than sisters. Growing up in a quiet and wildly beautiful coastal town in Oregon, they shared everything. Until the secrets they couldn't share threatened their bond and complicated their lives. Now, decades later, Suze, a famous actress desperate for safe haven following a brutal attack, is back in town. Phoebe, a successful illustrator and fabric designer, has discovered keeping a secret means she can't let anyone get close, aside from her beloved granddaughter, Jasmine. As Jasmine's move to London looms, Phoebe doesn't know how to face the return of her old friend and all that's still unsaid between them. Can the two women who've never confronted their past do it now when the choice is between healing and survival?"--

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