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A Trace of Hares: The BRAND NEW totally…
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A Trace of Hares: The BRAND NEW totally gripping British cozy murder mystery (A Dr Nell Ward Mystery Book 5) (edizione 2024)

di Sarah Yarwood-Lovett (Autore)

Serie: Nell Ward (5)

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Dr Nell Ward is in the lush, emerald hills of Ireland, to attend the wedding of two dear friends at a picture-perfect farmhouse. But family tensions are running high in the days before the happy couple tie the knot. And when Nell sees a fox kill a hare in the early morning light, it sends shivers down her spine. Almost like it is a sign of something to come... Then one of the locals makes a gruesome discovery in a nearby peat bog. Famous for the ancient bodies these habitats preserve, what has been found instead is a woman who died much more recently... Nell and her friends are suddenly in the middle of another murder case. Can they hunt down the killer and save the wedding, before it is too late? An absolutely gripping and page-turning cozy mystery to curl up with. Perfect for fans of Richard Oman, Robert Thorogood and Janice Hallett.… (altro)
Titolo:A Trace of Hares: The BRAND NEW totally gripping British cozy murder mystery (A Dr Nell Ward Mystery Book 5)
Autori:Sarah Yarwood-Lovett (Autore)
Info:Embla Books (2024)
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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A Trace of Hares di Sarah Yarwood-Lovett

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Nell Ward is in Ireland to celebrate the wedding of two of her friends and whilst she is there she wants to explore the bogland biome. The groom is one of four brothers who have strained relationships with each other and when Sean announces that he is marrying Maeve, the sister of the missing wife of his brother, the scene is set. The discovery of a body in the peat nearby cracks open old wounds and Nell is a race to solve what happened.
I do really enjoy this series of books because I love the ecological aspect which is different. I especially liked all the descriptions of the mechanism of DNA testing and it is clear that the author knows what she is talking about. The plot was a little muddy in places and the final conclusions seemed to be a bit hysterical but generally this is a solid and undemanding book. ( )
  pluckedhighbrow | Apr 3, 2024 |
A Trace of Hares is the fifth novel in the Dr Nell Ward Mysteries by Sarah Yarwood-Lovett. It started out slow for me since it is the first I’ve read but, once I got more acquainted with the characters, I was completely hooked. The story is set in Ireland where ecologist, Dr Nell Ward, was there to attend a friend’s wedding but, before the nuptials can take place, a body is discovered in a nearby bog. The victim was identified as a relative of several members of the wedding party. She had disappeared twenty years earlier along with her three-month-old daughter. The story is divided between the two mysteries, the cold case of the woman in the bog and what happened to the baby. Like most cozies, the story revolves around the families involved, their animosities and secrets. But what I found most compelling and kept me reading long into the night was the huge role real science and nature play throughout. This is one smart completely addicting tale with interesting characters and a fascinating setting, perfect for anyone who enjoys a bit of real science with their mysteries. This may have been my first outing with Dr Nell Ward but it will definitely not be my last.

Thanks to Netgalley and Embla Books for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review ( )
  lostinalibrary | Mar 15, 2024 |
suspense, twisty, cozy-mystery, ecologist, eco-awareness, ecology, friends, friendship, families, bog-bodies, cold-case, relationships, relatives, made-me-smarter, family-drama, Ireland, amateur-sleuth, local-law-enforcement****

Dr Nell Ward is off to Ireland to attend the wedding of friends but winds up finding a fairly recent body in one of the bogs. Intriguing characters and a riveting plot make this one every bit a excellent as the previous books in series.
I requested and received a temporary EARC from Embla Books via NetGalley Thank you!
eBook is not TTS enabled.
Expected publication March 27, 2024 ( )
  jetangen4571 | Feb 12, 2024 |
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Dr Nell Ward is in the lush, emerald hills of Ireland, to attend the wedding of two dear friends at a picture-perfect farmhouse. But family tensions are running high in the days before the happy couple tie the knot. And when Nell sees a fox kill a hare in the early morning light, it sends shivers down her spine. Almost like it is a sign of something to come... Then one of the locals makes a gruesome discovery in a nearby peat bog. Famous for the ancient bodies these habitats preserve, what has been found instead is a woman who died much more recently... Nell and her friends are suddenly in the middle of another murder case. Can they hunt down the killer and save the wedding, before it is too late? An absolutely gripping and page-turning cozy mystery to curl up with. Perfect for fans of Richard Oman, Robert Thorogood and Janice Hallett.

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