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City in Ruins

di Don Winslow

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14110200,621 (4.15)2
Sometimes you have to become what you hate to protect what you love. Danny Ryan is rich. Beyond his wildest dreams rich. The former dock worker, Irish mob soldier and fugitive from the law is now a respected businessman - a Las Vegas casino mogul and billionaire silent partner in a group that owns two lavish hotels. Finally, Danny has it all: a beautiful house, a child he adores, a woman he might even fall in love with. Life is good. But then Danny reaches too far. When he tries to buy an old hotel on a prime piece of real estate with plans to build his dream resort, he triggers a war against Las Vegas power brokers, a powerful FBI agent bent on revenge and a rival casino owner with dark connections of his own. Danny thought he had buried his past, but now it reaches up to him from the grave to pull him down. Old enemies surface, and when they come for Danny they vow to take everything - not only his empire, not just his life, but all that he holds dear, including his son. To save his life and everything he loves, Danny must become the ruthless fighter he once was - and never wanted to be again. Ranging from the gritty back rooms of Providence, RI to the power corridors of Washington, DC and Wall Street to the golden casinos of Las Vegas, City in Ruins is an epic crime novel of love and hate, ambition and desperation, vengeance and compassion.… (altro)
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Like most Winslow efforts, the suspense builds up so that last 100 pages passes by quickly. This is definitely not a first rate Winslow like Bobby Z, California Fire and Life, ankie Machine, Dawn Patrol or Savgtes, but is easily equal to most of his later novels. A somewhat typical Las Vegas scene, some mob connections, and intense owner to owner rivalries. The usual human misunderstandings abound. ( )
  SamMelfi | Sep 14, 2024 |
Obvious continuation of the story from the outside, but still you can never feel too safe about knowing where it leads! Great storytelling!
  Kindlegohome | Sep 11, 2024 |
Tras Ciudad en llamas y Ciudad de los sueños, llega Ciudad en ruinas, el explosivo y trepidante final de la épica trilogía policíaca de Don Winslow, autor superventas del New York Times, y el último libro de su extraordinaria carrera.

A veces tienes que convertirte en lo que odias para proteger lo que amas.

Danny Ryan es rico.

Más rico de lo que nunca soñó.

El que antes fuera estibador portuario, soldado de la mafia irlandesa y prófugo de la justicia es ahora un respetado y multimillonario hombre de negocios, un magnate del juego en Las Vegas, socio en la sombra de un emporio empresarial propietario de dos lujosos hoteles. Por fin, Danny lo tiene todo: una hermosa casa, un hijo al que adora y una mujer de la que podría llegar a enamorarse.

La vida le sonríe.

Hasta que Danny intenta abarcar demasiado.

Su tentativa de comprar un viejo hotel en una zona privilegiada con intención de construir el hotel de sus sueños desencadena una guerra en la que intervendrán los poderes fácticos de Las Vegas, una poderosa agente del FBI obsesionada con la venganza y el dueño de un casino rival vinculado a la mafia.

El pasado que Danny creía enterrado se levanta de su tumba para arrastrarlo consigo. Sus viejos enemigos reaparecen y, al ir a por él, juran arrebatárselo todo: no solo la vida y su imperio, sino todo lo que lo valora, incluido su hijo.

Para salvar su vida y todo cuanto ama, Danny habrá de convertirse en el despiadado luchador que fue antaño y que no deseaba volver a ser.

Desde los oscuros antros de Providence (Rhode Island) hasta los pasillos del poder de Washington y Wall Street, pasando por los rutilantes casinos de Las Vegas, Ciudad en ruinas es una epopeya policíaca en torno al amor, la ambición y la desesperanza, la venganza y la compasión.
  bibliotecayamaguchi | Jul 22, 2024 |
Excellent final novel in the series - satisfying conclusion. Couldn't put down. ( )
1 vota highlander6022 | Jun 13, 2024 |
The best fireworks displays keep your heart in your throat and escalate until you don't think you can take another boom, and then everything goes up at mindboggling speed for the finale. Bang bang bang. That is what we have here.

Winslow has said the Danny Ryan trilogy is his final work. If you see this, Don, I am not holding you to that and would be delighted if the rumors of your retirement were premature. If, however, this really is the last book, you went out with a very satisfying series of bangs of both the firearm and fornication variety.

Each of the Danny Ryan books shows us Danny in a new city, at a new point in his life, trying to escape his circumstances and choices. (The stories tale place in Providence, LA, and now Las Vegas.) And each of these books gives us a new Danny, one who matures, who learns from his losses, who is changed by love for two (or more) women, and who is driven by his bone-deep pure and ever-growing love for his son, Ian, whose birth starts the first book in the series. Yes, this is a crime drama with a Soprano's worthy antihero, but it is so much more of that. It is the story of becoming a man after a rough start. In this era where people scoff at tales of reinvention and healing and are gleeful about tearing down successful people for one misstep, it is hard not to see Danny through that lens. He is a man who works and works to live a clean life, to protect and support his family and friends, but everyone wants to define him by the worst things he has done. Granted, unlike people who get attacked for using racist language, mistreating employees, or hooking up with the wrong person Danny's past acts involve a lot of murder (of bad people), theft (from bad people), and other crimes (that mostly or wholly impacted bad people.) Early on most of Danny's moral missteps came from fear, greed or hubris, but the desire to protect those around him was always there, and as he ages it becomes his raison d'etre. Danny is the most ethical immoral person one can imagine.

It bears mentioning that everyone here, no matter how colorful, feels fleshed out. The circumstances are amped up, I don't think this is how people actually live, but the character's decisions make sense, the obstacles don't seem contrived, and the love and the hate that drive most things feel dead on.

A couple last notes. First, I have railed in my reviews for a couple of books, most notably the execrable The Murder Rule, that authors do not do the necessary research to write legal thrillers, especially courtroom scenes, and I find it inexcusable. Winslow did the research. In this book there is a trial at the center of one of the storylines (for a murder committed in the last book) and it is beautifully written. Hats off. I felt like the rest of the book was just as well researched. Though this is fiction, there is a lot of stuff about gaming rules and historical norms in Vegas, and as far as I can tell Winslow stayed in the lines and the things that impact Danny's and Vern's businesses seem well crafted. Second, I listened to this read by Ari Fliakos, as I did for the last two books. Once again Fliakos is just great. I can't explain why, there are no unique voices or flourishes, but Fliakos' tone and pacing just works so well for this series.

Hats off to Don Winslow. Thank you for your service. ( )
1 vota Narshkite | May 27, 2024 |
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Sometimes you have to become what you hate to protect what you love. Danny Ryan is rich. Beyond his wildest dreams rich. The former dock worker, Irish mob soldier and fugitive from the law is now a respected businessman - a Las Vegas casino mogul and billionaire silent partner in a group that owns two lavish hotels. Finally, Danny has it all: a beautiful house, a child he adores, a woman he might even fall in love with. Life is good. But then Danny reaches too far. When he tries to buy an old hotel on a prime piece of real estate with plans to build his dream resort, he triggers a war against Las Vegas power brokers, a powerful FBI agent bent on revenge and a rival casino owner with dark connections of his own. Danny thought he had buried his past, but now it reaches up to him from the grave to pull him down. Old enemies surface, and when they come for Danny they vow to take everything - not only his empire, not just his life, but all that he holds dear, including his son. To save his life and everything he loves, Danny must become the ruthless fighter he once was - and never wanted to be again. Ranging from the gritty back rooms of Providence, RI to the power corridors of Washington, DC and Wall Street to the golden casinos of Las Vegas, City in Ruins is an epic crime novel of love and hate, ambition and desperation, vengeance and compassion.

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