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LOOP: A Pulse-Pounding Novel of Science-Fiction Horror

di William Kely McClung

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When I first began this book, I put it aside after a few chapters. It is a Sci-Fi Horror book, and I wasn't invested in it. However, I picked it up 2 days later and as the book continued, it got more exciting. I ended up enjoying it.
It does have a significant amount of gore and horror as a video game causes people playing to combust. The Loopers are taking over the town, and Interpol has been called in to try and stop it.
The book is a look at computer games, viruses, Artificial Intelligence, misinformation, the Internet, with social media, have taken over our lives. Hopefully, we won't have to resort to warfare to combat it! ( )
  Grantedbooks | Aug 7, 2023 |
When I first began this book, I put it aside after a few chapters. It is a Sci-Fi Horror book, and I wasn't invested in it. However, I picked it up 2 days later and as the book continued, it got more exciting. I ended up enjoying it.
It does have a significant amount of gore and horror as a video game causes people playing to combust. The Loopers are taking over the town, and Interpol has been called in to try and stop it.
The book is a look at computer games, viruses, Artificial Intelligence, misinformation, the Internet, with social media, have taken over our lives. Hopefully, we won't have to resort to warfare to combat it! ( )
  rmarcin | Aug 6, 2023 |
Loop is an interesting mashup of science fiction and horror that I found to be pretty easy to get into from the start. The author, McClung, weaves a story that is thought-provoking and was a bit different from the stuff I’ve been reading this year.
McClung's writing is crisp and engaging, with a knack for creating vivid and unsettling imagery, around the potential dystopian eventuality of the Loop concept.
I found Loop to be a compelling read that offers a fresh take on the science fiction and horror genres. It's a book that made me think, especially with the growing emergence and importance of AI in our lives, whether we want it or not. I personally enjoyed the ride and look forward to reading more from William Kely McClung. ( )
  Leventak1 | Aug 4, 2023 |
This is my second McClung book, my first being part of his Tommy Black series. Like the other book, McClung has a knack for keeping the action going. The creative style in this book differs from the last one I read and fits well with how the world ended up.

The story itself follows a literal badass, or Bad Ass. The characters here are well thought out. McClung does a great job detailing the world and creating an atmosphere for the characters in this AI-initiated dystopia. It's an excellent commentary ( even if embellished for the novelization) on the real threat of what could happen if we progress the way we have: with a reckless lack of consideration for the consequences of technological leaps. Overall, I recommend this book, it's worth the read! ( )
  Snowboyz | Jul 26, 2023 |
Loop by William Kely McClung is a fast-paced piece of work packed with horror, AI, death, action, grotesque, colorful characters with different backgrounds, and deformed creatures called Loopers who spread like a virus that attacks every living being. It is a book that doesn’t let you breathe and keeps you in suspense the entire time, and before you know it, you are already reading the last pages, as it happened to me. The author does a terrific job with the portrayal of scenes and characters; I could immediately create an image in my mind of the Loopers or the characters. But the aspect that I liked the most about this book is the idea of combining AI and viruses and then taking that and transforming it outside the technological space into some grotesque and living creatures. ( )
  Gorgose | Jul 26, 2023 |
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