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Burden of Proof (A Rain City Legal Thriller Book 1)

di Stephen Penner

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Seattle attorney Daniel Raine is going through some tough life changes: he's getting divorced, and his law partner is leaving him to become a judge. If Raine can't find a way to stay afloat, he'll be practicing law out of his car. Then, the perfect opportunity -- a rich socialite called Abigail Willoughby arrives at his door, wanting to divorce her even richer husband. Raine is thrilled to take the case but gets more than he bargained for when he is forced into an unlikely alliance with high-powered realtor Rebecca Sommers who has her own motives for wanting to get close to his rich client. What seems like a straightforward caase quickly turns to chaos when Abigail threatens her husband Jeremy in front of dozens of witnesses. That same night, Jeremy is discovered murdered in their home. All the evidence points to Abigail as the murderer. But she swears she is innocent and Raine believes her. Together with Sommers, he races to find out who really killed Jeremy and to save his client from serving a lifetime behind bars for a crime she didn't commit.… (altro)
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Title: Burden of Proof
Author: Stephen Penner
Publisher: Inkubator Books
Series: A Rain City Legal Thriller Book 1
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Burden of Proof" by Stephen Penner

My Perception:

Attorney Daniel Raine has his hands full with personal and professional challenges, making his journey in "Burden of Proof" a compelling and intense read. Adding estate agent Rebecca Summers as a private eye adds an intriguing dynamic to the story. This legal thriller is a must-read, especially to uncover the unexpected twist in Abigail Willoughby's murder case. The interactions with the judge and prosecutor add more suspense to the narrative. "Burden of Proof" is a riveting book that keeps the reader guessing until the end. ( )
  arlenadean | Aug 5, 2024 |
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Seattle attorney Daniel Raine is going through some tough life changes: he's getting divorced, and his law partner is leaving him to become a judge. If Raine can't find a way to stay afloat, he'll be practicing law out of his car. Then, the perfect opportunity -- a rich socialite called Abigail Willoughby arrives at his door, wanting to divorce her even richer husband. Raine is thrilled to take the case but gets more than he bargained for when he is forced into an unlikely alliance with high-powered realtor Rebecca Sommers who has her own motives for wanting to get close to his rich client. What seems like a straightforward caase quickly turns to chaos when Abigail threatens her husband Jeremy in front of dozens of witnesses. That same night, Jeremy is discovered murdered in their home. All the evidence points to Abigail as the murderer. But she swears she is innocent and Raine believes her. Together with Sommers, he races to find out who really killed Jeremy and to save his client from serving a lifetime behind bars for a crime she didn't commit.

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