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Fall of Ruin and Wrath (2023)

di Jennifer L. Armentrout

Serie: Awakening (1)

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664936,412 (4.02)1
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

From Jennifer L. Armentrout, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of From Blood and Ash, comes the beginning of a searing fantasy romance for adults, Fall of Ruin and Wrath.

/> Long ago, the world was destroyed by gods. Only nine cities were spared. Separated by vast wilderness teeming with monsters and unimaginable dangers, each city is now ruled by a guardian—royalty who feed on mortal pleasure.
Born with an intuition that never fails, Calista knows her talents are of great value to the power-hungry of the world, so she lives hidden as a courtesan of the Baron of Archwood. In exchange for his protection, she grants him information.
When her intuition leads her to save a traveling prince in dire trouble, the voice inside her blazes with warning—and promise. Today he'll bring her joy. One day he'll be her doom.
When the Baron takes an interest in the traveling prince and the prince takes an interest in Calista, she becomes the prince's temporary companion. But the city simmers with rebellion, and with knights and monsters at her city gates and a hungry prince in her bed, intuition may not be enough to keep her safe.
Calista must choose: follow her intuition to safety or follow her heart to her downfall.
Breathtaking suspense and scorching romance meet in this immersive new fantasy from a mega-bestselling force, Jennifer L. Armentrout.
A Macmillan Audio production from Bramble.

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» Vedi 1 citazione

I should call the book "Adventures of prince Thorn in a brothel". A poor orphan girl, made a whore by her circumstances, but somehow she does not think herself being a whore. Is the author a sex worker, I wonder... ( )
  Mama56 | Aug 9, 2024 |
VERY smutty. Basically all smut, little plot. I was left a little wanting since I’ve heard good things about the author. I still found myself enjoying it, though. But it’s not as enthralling as other reads. ( )
  EnchantedCabin | Dec 19, 2023 |
A massive fantasy novel that is spinning it's wheels. The first four hundred pages are mainly about a cat and mouse relationship between a "highborn" man and a mortal woman (Calista) There is much flirtatious dialogue. as well as much sensual touching which the author clearly enjoys writing. In the final hundred pages or so we get to a plot at which point Calista seems to totally forget about her love interest with the "highborn" man' Pretty goofy. ( )
  muddyboy | Nov 22, 2023 |
Everyone is stupid but the smut is hot.

The early part of the book is surprisingly good. If you look beyond everything being heavily tainted by constant lust and smut, there are some actually interesting and complex characters. There is not only the pretense of moral ambiguity but truly nuanced greyscale. There even are some philosophical themes here that have enough depth to capture some of the actual complexity behind these questions.
A lot of the elements don't feel like shallow token building blocks but actually fleshed-out ideas.
Heavy topics like the horror of war and trauma are presented in a very visceral emotionally gripping and believable way. Some of it slightly misses the mark by being tainted by the typical ideas behind patriotic hero complex. But overall it's far beyond the average fantasy novel.
But then the plot has to somehow happen and the author has to get her characters to do stuff and all of it goes out the window. Prepare for the full collection of all the stupid and shallow clichées you find in any cheap fantasy romance. Character inconsistencies, plot holes, and repeated tstl to a ridiculous degree by multiple characters. The underlying fundamental conflicts are not bad, but the actual execution is just terrible.
(Do I even have to warn of a cliffhanger in an Armentrout book? Well, there you have it I guess.) ( )
  omission | Oct 19, 2023 |
This is a new series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Fall of Ruin and Wrath is a fantasy romance about a young woman named Lis (short for Calista), who has interesting gifts — she has heightened intuition, can read people’s thoughts, and can have visions of the future. Set in a fantastical-possibly futuristic world, Lis is a lowborn, whose abilities have given her a place of comfort and security with the Baron of Archwood. One night, she comes across a group of men talking in an alley about a captured Hyhborn (the world’s elite — who are exceedingly powerful beings) She makes a choice, which puts her on a path of love, destruction, and ruin.
This book is my first JLA book, and I don’t have any basis of comparison to her other works. The overall concept of this book is interesting. This book ends on a cliffhanger, which makes me curious for the next book in the Awakening series. I’ll just have to read her other books while I wait.
Plot- 3.5/5
Characters- 3.5/5
Spice- 4/5 ( )
  philae_02 | Oct 6, 2023 |
nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione

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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

From Jennifer L. Armentrout, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of From Blood and Ash, comes the beginning of a searing fantasy romance for adults, Fall of Ruin and Wrath.

Long ago, the world was destroyed by gods. Only nine cities were spared. Separated by vast wilderness teeming with monsters and unimaginable dangers, each city is now ruled by a guardian—royalty who feed on mortal pleasure.
Born with an intuition that never fails, Calista knows her talents are of great value to the power-hungry of the world, so she lives hidden as a courtesan of the Baron of Archwood. In exchange for his protection, she grants him information.
When her intuition leads her to save a traveling prince in dire trouble, the voice inside her blazes with warning—and promise. Today he'll bring her joy. One day he'll be her doom.
When the Baron takes an interest in the traveling prince and the prince takes an interest in Calista, she becomes the prince's temporary companion. But the city simmers with rebellion, and with knights and monsters at her city gates and a hungry prince in her bed, intuition may not be enough to keep her safe.
Calista must choose: follow her intuition to safety or follow her heart to her downfall.
Breathtaking suspense and scorching romance meet in this immersive new fantasy from a mega-bestselling force, Jennifer L. Armentrout.
A Macmillan Audio production from Bramble.


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Media: (4.02)
1 1
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3 11
3.5 2
4 16
4.5 2
5 17

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