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Okay, I might be seriously under-qualified for the job of Enforcer, I'll admit. The Enforcer is supposed to be a human, for starters. It's usually an ex-special forces guy with big muscles and even bigger balls, and a knack for sorting out petty squabbles between the witches and vampires and shifters in the city. And I'm just a technically-dead nail tech-an animated skeleton with a talent for illusion magic and gold gel manicures. But I've recently discovered that I can manifest some pretty big muscles of my own. I've already got the big balls, so I'm halfway there. It's the 'sorting out petty squabbles' part that I might have trouble with. I'm usually the one to start the fights, not finish them. But a girl has got to grow up sometime. My first job is finding a missing person-a half-pixie girl vanished from her home a week ago, and if she doesn't surface soon, the local Fae diplomat is going to raise Hell. Her father is blaming vampires, her boyfriend is pointing the finger at the local werewolves. The clock is ticking. I'm determined to find her alive, and prove to the supes of DC that I've got what it takes to keep this town on the straight-and-narrow.… (altro)
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This was okay book, I feel like it could have used a little more to it. You can tell it was written by a women for straight women... the romance side was a little too perfect. Max wasn't really a person but a little too mary sue ish. I was okay with the magic shape changing for Prue but.... taking on the abilities that person hand is a little too much for me. Its not really pratical and makes her a little too powerful (if she were to use it to the most of its extents)

That being said... I liked this book. It was funny and a little bit snarky. The characters were interesting. I could use some more world building. Theres also some very obvious forshadowing that you can see that will probably be a "Big reveal" later on.... I'm willing to read book two to see if thats true, or if something else happens on instead. The missing fae's powers? HILARIOUS. The fact that that continued to be a plot point just made it better, but maybe thats just because Ive got the humor of a 12 yr old boy, and am within the kink community too (not my kink but still) ( )
  MiserableFlower | Jul 31, 2024 |
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Have you ever got a job that youre really not qualified for and when you start you have to bluff your way through it?
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Okay, I might be seriously under-qualified for the job of Enforcer, I'll admit. The Enforcer is supposed to be a human, for starters. It's usually an ex-special forces guy with big muscles and even bigger balls, and a knack for sorting out petty squabbles between the witches and vampires and shifters in the city. And I'm just a technically-dead nail tech-an animated skeleton with a talent for illusion magic and gold gel manicures. But I've recently discovered that I can manifest some pretty big muscles of my own. I've already got the big balls, so I'm halfway there. It's the 'sorting out petty squabbles' part that I might have trouble with. I'm usually the one to start the fights, not finish them. But a girl has got to grow up sometime. My first job is finding a missing person-a half-pixie girl vanished from her home a week ago, and if she doesn't surface soon, the local Fae diplomat is going to raise Hell. Her father is blaming vampires, her boyfriend is pointing the finger at the local werewolves. The clock is ticking. I'm determined to find her alive, and prove to the supes of DC that I've got what it takes to keep this town on the straight-and-narrow.

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