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This Is Where It Ends

di Cindy K. Sproles

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6538418,308 (4.59)1
Award-Winning Author Pens a Unique Southern Tale When Minerva Jane Jenkins was just 14 years old, she married a man who moved her to the mountains. He carried with him a small box, which he told her was filled with gold. And when he died 50 years later, he made her promise to keep his secret. She is to tell no one about the box or the treasure it contains. Now 94, Minerva is nearing the end of what has sometimes been a lonely life. But she's kept that secret. Even so, rumors of hidden gold have a way of spreading, and Minerva is visited by a reporter, Del Rankin, who wants to know more of her story. His friend who joins him only wants to find the location of the gold. Neither of them knows quite who they're up against when it comes to the old woman on the mountain. As an unlikely friendship develops, Minerva is tempted to reveal her secret to Del. After all, how long is one bound by a promise? But the truth of what's really buried in the box may be hidden even from her.… (altro)
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Love These Appalachian Characters-

This southern girl has seen and heard some feisty mamaws in her day, so Minerva Jenkins was an expected and perfect mix of cranky and cantankerous, while still keeping things close to the vest. She had lived alone on the mountain for years until Del Rankin came calling. As he stuck around for a time, Minerva began to realize that having relationships with others, as well as with God, was what made life worthwhile and that secrets, and promises to keep them, were way more trouble than their worth.

I really loved this story but, for me, there is repetitive dialogue that offered little to no new information to move the story along. Some of this was the character working through hurt and betrayal while some of it was restatement. Beyond that, I really enjoyed the story.

Barbara McCulloh is a favorite when it comes to the narration of southern stories. She gets it right, performs male voices well and, in this story, portrays Minerva with exceptional talent.

This book is suitable for teens and older with no inappropriate intimate scenes and no bad language. ( )
  ptrollan | Sep 13, 2024 |
Wow! Rarely does a book touch me as much as this one did. I was transported to the beauty of Kentucky- the imagery in this book brought the mountain to life!
Minerva- what a character! She is the epitome of strength and resilience. Her faith in God is commendable! " She taught me love through love and example. She proved the value in forgiveness, the strength of your word, and the gold of family."
Del- what a guy! Compassionate, caring, and kind. He loves with his whole being.
This author is new to me, but she has become one of my new favorite authors!
I was provided a copy of this book from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own. ( )
  Sassyjd32 | Dec 22, 2023 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I received a copy from LibraryThing Early Reviewers program for an honest opinion. I really enjoyed this book and it had me wondering what was in the box. The ending was a bit surprising on the contents but the overall story was great. Minerva was spunky and without giving away the ending, I was glad that the author ended it is such a nice way. ( )
  FReads | Aug 13, 2023 |
How long would you keep a secret you promised to keep? Minerva Jane Jenkins had kept one for 30 years. She vowed as she held her dying husband in her arms, never to reveal what was in the box he had so carefully guarded all his life. She had no clue what was in the box, but she kept her word.
It is 1902; Minerva is now 94 years old and knows she is nearing the end of her time here on earth. She has lived a lonely life of survival in the Appalachian Mountains. All she has known his heartache and hardship yet it has not dulled her wit and determination to carry on. Her constant prayer is that the Lord will not let her die alone.
Del Rankin a reporter hears of her husband, Stately’s, story and want’s to find the truth. He is a kind, caring young man and likes Minerva’s spunkiness and amazing spirit of independence when clearly even the smallest things are difficult in her advanced age. Minerva is suspicious of him of course but his honestly and persistence to help her wins her over. For the first time in a long time she trusts someone. Little did she realize even at 94 he would change her life in ways she never imagined.
As with all of Cindy Sproles’ books they touch you very deeply emotionally. I felt every one of Minerva’s aches and pains, her physical challenges to accomplish daily tasks, and her feelings. The author’s detail to Minerva’s emotions and perceptions were so in-depth that she became alive to me. I loved her sense of humor, how she talked so easily with the Lord, and the wisdom she shares throughout the story.
There are many unexpected surprises and turns along the way. Be prepared and have a box of tissues on hand, you will not read this book without some tears. This is a deep book on many levels and beautifully written. I always look forward to reading more books by Cindy Sproles.
I received this book from Revell Publishing in exchange for an honest review. The opinions stated are my own. ( )
  Mizroady | Aug 6, 2023 |
This story was a very reflective/introspective story. The entire story was told from the thoughts and perspective of Minerva. I love that we got to live in her head throughout the novel. She was a spunky woman who really knew her own mind and often spoke it aloud. As she was confronted with truths that she had denied her whole life, we see that inner conflict wear on her. I loved the internal prayers she lifted as she talked all her troubles over with the Lord. Prayer for Minerva felt very natural. She had a beautiful relationship with Christ. She was a woman of deep faith but also a woman who had been hurt deeply by life and the people around her. Her story showed us that suffering is part of life but there is a Father who can walk through both good and bad with us. Her example of faith was very inspiring. ( )
  Leann | Jul 21, 2023 |
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Award-Winning Author Pens a Unique Southern Tale When Minerva Jane Jenkins was just 14 years old, she married a man who moved her to the mountains. He carried with him a small box, which he told her was filled with gold. And when he died 50 years later, he made her promise to keep his secret. She is to tell no one about the box or the treasure it contains. Now 94, Minerva is nearing the end of what has sometimes been a lonely life. But she's kept that secret. Even so, rumors of hidden gold have a way of spreading, and Minerva is visited by a reporter, Del Rankin, who wants to know more of her story. His friend who joins him only wants to find the location of the gold. Neither of them knows quite who they're up against when it comes to the old woman on the mountain. As an unlikely friendship develops, Minerva is tempted to reveal her secret to Del. After all, how long is one bound by a promise? But the truth of what's really buried in the box may be hidden even from her.

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Il libro di Cindy K. Sproles This Is Where It Ends è stato disponibile in LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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