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Granny Left Me a Rocket Ship

di Heather Smith

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"After Granny dies, she leaves something behind for everyone in the family. She leaves Father her tuba and Mother her locket. Sister receives her microscope and brother her record collection. But our main character receives something special that unlocks cherished memories of Granny through a world of imaginative play. Through spare prose, award-winning author Heather Smith has crafted a beautiful story about memory, loss and grief, and how we can joyfully remember our loved ones after they're gone. Standout cut-paper collage illustrations from artist Ashley Barron bring the characters and their heart-warming emotions to life on the page."--… (altro)
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remembering granny; imagination ( )
  melodyreads | Jul 15, 2023 |
This book is about remembering your elders by what they leave when they pass. Things like lockets or musical instruments. For our main character, they are left a tent that leads to a lifetime of adventures both with and without grandma. Overall, this is an interesting book but the story is a tad lacking. Is it the tent that leaves the umbrella and the rocket ship or were those the toys that were inside of the tent.? ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Jun 23, 2023 |
Granny Left Me a Rocket Ship is a sweet, gentle book about a boy who lost his grandmother. There is a hole in his family's lives but memories of her help to fill it. They remember her in different ways, one of which is by the things she left behind. Each family member received something special that belonged to Granny. The narrator got some unusual and extraordinary items from her, all things that he imagines the two of them sharing. He received a tent, a horse, a fishing pole, a knight's sword, a rocket ship, and more. Granny left him a "world of adventure" he could take wherever he went. Heather Smith has written a charming, imaginative story. Ashley Barron's cut-paper collage illustrations add much to the book, showing the boy and his grandmother sharing many activities and enjoying each other's company. How long will it take you and your child to spot Granny's true gift to her grandson? It is in each of the pictures! This book is an excellent teaching tool for a child who has lost someone close to them but a fun, sweet book for everyone. Thank you to NetGalley and Kids Can Press for this ARC. ( )
  Shookie | Apr 18, 2023 |
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"After Granny dies, she leaves something behind for everyone in the family. She leaves Father her tuba and Mother her locket. Sister receives her microscope and brother her record collection. But our main character receives something special that unlocks cherished memories of Granny through a world of imaginative play. Through spare prose, award-winning author Heather Smith has crafted a beautiful story about memory, loss and grief, and how we can joyfully remember our loved ones after they're gone. Standout cut-paper collage illustrations from artist Ashley Barron bring the characters and their heart-warming emotions to life on the page."--

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