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Snow Place for Murder (Mountain Lodge Mysteries, 3)

di Diane Kelly

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2710889,293 (4.12)6
Fiction. Mystery. International resort developer Nigel Goodwin has traveled all the way from London, England, to Misty Murphy's little corner of North Carolina, and bought out the Mountaintop Lodge for the week prior to Christmas. Their intention? To pitch an exclusive new resort concept to wealthy American investors. But locals are at odds over the idea, and when a group comes to the lodge to express their worries to Mr. Goodwin and the potential investors, a blizzard hits Beech Mountain. Like the weather outside, things quickly get frosty, and Misty has to call local police to intervene. Handyman Rocky Crowder plows the lodge's drive and, in an attempt to regain a jovial holiday atmosphere, smooths the snow pile into a makeshift sledding hill for the guests to enjoy. Misty's boys have finished their exams and are "home" from college for the winter break, planning to spend most of their time snowboarding at the ski resort. While taking a few runs down Rocky's sledding hill, they discover a funny-looking, nose-shaped rock. Only it's not a rock. It's the frozen nose of Nigel Goodwin, who's found dead and buried under the mound of snow. Who put the developer on ice and why?… (altro)
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This cozy mystery is a quick read but lacks nothing. Entertaining, intriguing, clever, and even humorous at times, it still manages moments of suspense. A resort developer is staying at Misty’s lodge, pitching his concept of a new resort to wealthy investors. It doesn’t turn out well for him, as Misty’s sons accidentally discover when they accidentally uncover a rock that is shaped like a nose. Only, it’s not a rock. This is the third installment in this lovely series, sure to please regular readers as well as those readers new to the series. Don’t skip the chapters from the cat’s point of view - they are quite entertaining. ( )
  Maydacat | Apr 1, 2024 |
This is the third selection in the Mountain Lodge mystery series. Misty looks forward to hosting a group of people who are potential investors in a resort plan in the same mountainous area as her lodge. Local folks take offense to the possible new high-end resort and storm into her lodge to confront Nigel, the head of the investment company. When he turns up frozen to death outside the lodge after a ski adventure, all the potential investors plus the local naysayers come under suspicion.

The chapters in the book alternate between Misty's narrative and her cat Yeti's narrative, which adds interest to the story. In addition, Misty enjoys hosting her two sons for the holiday season in which this story is set. However, the action could have occurred at any winter time.

Although this novel is advertised as a "cozy mystery," readers should be aware of gruesome descriptions of the corpse, which were unnecessary to the plotline. The author also paid a lot of attention to explaining the diversity amongst the people staying at the lodge. This third novel in the series can be read as a standalone. Inn truth, I liked the first and second novels better.

I received this novel from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own. ( )
  LadyoftheLodge | Dec 28, 2023 |
Snow Place for Murder by Diane Kelly takes us back to the Mountaintop Lodge in North Carolina owned by Misty Murphy. The locals are up in arms over a resort that Nigel Goodwin wishes to build on Beech Mountain. When Nigel is found dead, Misty’s curiosity has her searching for clues. The story is told from Misty and Yeti’s point of view (Misty’s cat). Yeti’s chapters did not add anything to the story, and I did not find them entertaining (they are not like Brigit’s chapters in the author’s A Paw Enforcement series). I found the story’s pace to be slow with the murder not occurring until I was about halfway through the story. It was obvious who would die from the beginning. I thought how the victim was found to be clever (I had to laugh at the “rock” Misty’s boys found). There are a handful of suspects. Misty searches for clues and asks questions. Misty listens to conversation and then we get to hear her thoughts (and doubts) about what she heard. The investigation was rushed. The killer can easily be identified. I wish the story had focused more on the mystery and less on Misty and Rocky’s relationship. This is supposed to be a cozy mystery not a romance novel. Misty and Rocky’s college aged kids come home for Thanksgiving and the holidays. Of course, they wish to spend time on the slopes. I thought the characters were realistic and developed. I did not enjoy Snow Place for Murder. It did not feel like it was written by the same author of The Paw Enforcement series with the slow pace, repetitive details, and the excessive romance. Snow Place for Murder is the third book in The Mountain Lodge Mysteries. While Snow Place for Murder can be read as a standalone, I believe it is helpful to read Getaway with Murder (it will allow you to get to know the main characters). The author captured the mountains of North Carolina as well as the chilly climate. It had me wanting to settle into a chair with a cozy blanket and a cup of cocoa where I could watch the snow fall (I have no desire to hit the slopes). Snow Place like Murder is a winter cozy with Thanksgiving turkey, ski slopes, a disruptive project, a peculiar rock, a dead developer, curious conversations, and a happy holiday. ( )
  Kris_Anderson | Dec 24, 2023 |
Snow Place for Murder by Diane Kelly
Mountain Lodge Mystery #3. Cozy mystery style. Can be read as a stand-alone.
Misty Murphy owns a small inn on a Beech Mountain adjacent to a small ski resort. She has booked a group of guests, paid for by resort developer Nigel Goodwin. He proposes to build a huge resort on undeveloped property on the same mountain. As the inn fills, Misty hears talk of protests, complaints about other resorts that Nigel owns, and concerns about crowds of people where there used to be wilderness and quiet. Snow piles up outside and Nigel turns up dead. Suspicious of everyone, Misty stars putting the puzzle pieces together to figure out who might have killed him.

Clever and entertaining. Misty does sleuthing via the internet and pretty much defines how he was murdered before the police autopsy results are returned. Misty’s family and friends add color and background as well as a few amusing chapters for the family cat’s POV. Overall an amusing cozy and a mountaintop I would visit again from my comfy armchair.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley. ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Nov 7, 2023 |
This third installment in the Mountain Lodge cozy mystery series (though the first one I read) is a charming cozy set in a North Carolina mountain lodge. A noted resort developer travels to Misty Murphy's lodge and pitches his development plans to wealthy potential investors.

This book features likeable recurring characters, Misty and her family and friends, as well as a clever plot. Definitely a series to watch and I've picked up copies of the first two books in the series so I can get caught up.

Highly recommended for cozy mystery fans!!

(I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via Net Galley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.) ( )
  lindapanzo | Oct 26, 2023 |
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Fiction. Mystery. International resort developer Nigel Goodwin has traveled all the way from London, England, to Misty Murphy's little corner of North Carolina, and bought out the Mountaintop Lodge for the week prior to Christmas. Their intention? To pitch an exclusive new resort concept to wealthy American investors. But locals are at odds over the idea, and when a group comes to the lodge to express their worries to Mr. Goodwin and the potential investors, a blizzard hits Beech Mountain. Like the weather outside, things quickly get frosty, and Misty has to call local police to intervene. Handyman Rocky Crowder plows the lodge's drive and, in an attempt to regain a jovial holiday atmosphere, smooths the snow pile into a makeshift sledding hill for the guests to enjoy. Misty's boys have finished their exams and are "home" from college for the winter break, planning to spend most of their time snowboarding at the ski resort. While taking a few runs down Rocky's sledding hill, they discover a funny-looking, nose-shaped rock. Only it's not a rock. It's the frozen nose of Nigel Goodwin, who's found dead and buried under the mound of snow. Who put the developer on ice and why?

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