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di Savannah Scott

Serie: Getting Shipped! (6)

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Brooks and I met three years ago when my best friend's boyfriend held a party to propose to her in front of all their friends-in the middle of his goat farm. Yes. You heard me. His goat farm. When my eyes traveled across the driveway that night and landed on Brooks, I didn't count to ten. I didn't consult the saints. I took off at a casual pace, walking straight toward him, my hips swaying and my head held high. How could I not? Here in the middle of podunk Ohio stood the most captivating man I'd ever laid eyes on. There's one small problem: Brooks fights fires in a small midwestern town, and I live in Boston with my family and all the culture and opportunities a big city has to offer. So, after the best weekend of my life, I returned home, single. And I put him out of my mind-mostly-at least I tried to. But now Brooks is here, on this cruise. And just like before, I can't keep my eyes off him, especially when he's singing the Ohio State fight song off-key, with hand motions, on the stage of the dueling pianos show. Or when he's lounging by the ship's pool in only his board shorts. Ay, Mami. Is it hot in the Caribbean, or is it just that fireman? I need to pull it together before I make the worst mistake of my life-falling in love with a man who's committed to living a thousand miles away from me.… (altro)
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¡Fuego! Loved this funny, romantic cruise ship adventure! It was so fun returning to Bordeaux, Ohio and also visiting Puerto Rico and other Caribbean ports of call. Ever since meeting Gabriela in Townshipped, I was wondering if we’d get her story. So excited to read about this fiery, strong woman and the equally amazing Brooks. Not only do we get their swoony, passionate romance, but the whole town of Bordeaux is there for the cruise with all their crazy antics. This book had me cry laughing, swooning, and smiling! It was an absolute perfect way to escape the snowy cold and visit a tropical paradise.

Gabriela (Gabby) & Brooks met several years before at Aiden & Mallory’s proposal. There was an instant connection, but since he lives in Bordeaux and she lives in Boston, they didn’t pursue anything. Now they meet up again, this time on a cruise celebrating MeMaw & Bill’s wedding. They agree to a shipboard romance, going their separate ways after the cruise. But, as they share adventure after adventure, including winding up in jail, will they be able to let each other go so easily?

Loved these two! Usually love at first sight is a little hard for me to believe, but these two made me a believer. Sometimes, there’s just that instant connection you have with people and it feels like you’ve known them your whole life. That’s the way I felt about these characters. They were just so perfect together that it made everything so believable. Their families were fantastic and I fell in love with them right along with Gabby & Brooks. Now I need Diego’s story!

Then there’s that laugh out loud humor Savannah Scott is known for! The jellyfish incident, social media updates from EllaMae, Jumbo, the fireman calendar (IYKYK), and the jail had me chuckling. I’m only mentioning a few. Loved all those one liners and witty descriptions along the way.

The last quarter of the book really solidified the relationship for me. I loved getting to know Gabby’s family and seeing how Brooks fit in. It was a realistic way to have these two come together that made me so happy. Also loved that they got to pursue their dreams.

This is definitely a must read, especially if you enjoy clean romcoms. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author. All opinions are my own and I was not required to provide a positive review. ( )
  Melissas-Bookshelf | Feb 28, 2023 |
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Brooks and I met three years ago when my best friend's boyfriend held a party to propose to her in front of all their friends-in the middle of his goat farm. Yes. You heard me. His goat farm. When my eyes traveled across the driveway that night and landed on Brooks, I didn't count to ten. I didn't consult the saints. I took off at a casual pace, walking straight toward him, my hips swaying and my head held high. How could I not? Here in the middle of podunk Ohio stood the most captivating man I'd ever laid eyes on. There's one small problem: Brooks fights fires in a small midwestern town, and I live in Boston with my family and all the culture and opportunities a big city has to offer. So, after the best weekend of my life, I returned home, single. And I put him out of my mind-mostly-at least I tried to. But now Brooks is here, on this cruise. And just like before, I can't keep my eyes off him, especially when he's singing the Ohio State fight song off-key, with hand motions, on the stage of the dueling pianos show. Or when he's lounging by the ship's pool in only his board shorts. Ay, Mami. Is it hot in the Caribbean, or is it just that fireman? I need to pull it together before I make the worst mistake of my life-falling in love with a man who's committed to living a thousand miles away from me.

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