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A Good Family (2023)

di Matt Goldman

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"Katie Kuhlmann's marriage is falling apart. But she has a secure job, her children are healthy, and her house, a new construction in the prestigious Country Club neighborhood of Edina, Minnesota, is beautiful. She can almost ignore the way her husband, Jack, has been acting--constantly checking his phone, not going to work, disappearing from the house only to show up again without explanation. Tension in the Kuhlmann house only gets worse when Adam "Bagman" Ross, a mutual friend from college, happens to be in the neighborhood and in need of a place to stay. Jack is quick to welcome him into the sanctity of their home, but Jack's strange behavior only gets worse, and Katie fears their new guest is also harboring a dark secret. As she begins to uncover the truth, she realizes that something is terribly wrong--and she must race to protect her family as danger closes in"--… (altro)
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Title: A Good Family
Author: Matt Goldman
Publisher: Tor Publishing Group, Forge Books
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"A Good Family" by Matt Goldman

My Sentiments:

We find this story quite intriguing while being a dramatic domestic suspense-thriller that deals with Kate Kuhlmann, her husband, Jack, and their two children [Elin & Kaleb]. Everything seemed to be going ok for this Kuhlmann family that lived in Edina, Minneapolis [on the outside...perfect couple, house, and neighborhood] until her husband started acting strange and getting worse as the marriage continued. Was t his job, or was he having an affair? Yes, ate had formed a friendship with a guy that started because she loved skiing, and it seemed like her husband had no time for her being 'touchy, angry, and so secretive,' and this was even to the two children. This was funny because he had the nerve to be concerned about her relationship with her ski buddy. Then this family has a friend from college, Adam Bagman Ross, that came for an uninvited visit and ended up staying with them. As the story continues, something is quite strange about this marriage, her club friends, neighbors, the man not living with them in his particular place... all was strange. Finally, promo ng Kate to ask for a divorce because she knows that something is wrong. She couldn't get any answers that she believed from Jack. What was this big secret that Jack was hiding with their friend Adam that had moved in and lived over their garage in their guest house? This story will be long, but by the end, the reader can see why the reader will have to keep up due to so many twists and turns coming out of this story. I liked the flashback of Katte's life with her parents and twin brothers. I guess she thought that marrying Jack would solve all of her problems [due to the fact he had money], different from living with her grandparents after the death of her parents. I loved how Kate fooled her husband, naming the kids after...well, I will stop here and say you must pick up "A Good Family" and see how this author brings it out, giving us a wow of a good ending for the reader.

Thank you, NetGalley, for eARC in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  arlenadean | May 30, 2023 |
A slow-moving domestic thriller that, in some places, is right up there with the movie Gaslight.

There are plenty of issues with this book; for example, Katie seems to be heavily in denial. We can almost understand why, but I can't buy it - not completely. I had to stretch my credibility muscles quite a bit during parts of this novel. Katie just seemed too naive to be a higher-up at General Mills.

I can not say that this was a bad read-it really wasn't, and it kept me turning pages avidly. I really wanted to know how and why Jack kept disappearing and why Bagman just suddenly showed up with not a peep from Jack or Katie at the lateness of the hour.

This was worth the time it takes to read and will keep you guessing even if the ending is a little too pat for my comfort. I will most likely be reading the next book Mr. Goldman produces.

ARC* was supplied by the publisher Forge Books, the author, and NetGalley. ( )
  Cats57 | May 27, 2023 |
A Good Family, by Matt Goldman, is a very well-written suspense novel that had me intrigued from cover to cover. It moved a little slow in the beginning, which I appreciated so I could make sure I knew and understood the characters. Well-developed plot, great characterization and easy to read. Highly recommend! ( )
  BridgetteS | Feb 12, 2023 |
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"Katie Kuhlmann's marriage is falling apart. But she has a secure job, her children are healthy, and her house, a new construction in the prestigious Country Club neighborhood of Edina, Minnesota, is beautiful. She can almost ignore the way her husband, Jack, has been acting--constantly checking his phone, not going to work, disappearing from the house only to show up again without explanation. Tension in the Kuhlmann house only gets worse when Adam "Bagman" Ross, a mutual friend from college, happens to be in the neighborhood and in need of a place to stay. Jack is quick to welcome him into the sanctity of their home, but Jack's strange behavior only gets worse, and Katie fears their new guest is also harboring a dark secret. As she begins to uncover the truth, she realizes that something is terribly wrong--and she must race to protect her family as danger closes in"--

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