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Crook Manifesto: A Novel di Colson Whitehead
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Crook Manifesto: A Novel (edizione 2023)

di Colson Whitehead (Autore)

Serie: Ray Carney (2), Harlem Saga (2)

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6673236,140 (3.97)25
Fiction. African American Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:One of the Most Anticipated Books of the Summer by The Washington Post â?¢ TIME Magazine â?¢ NPR â?¢ The Los Angeles Times â?¢ USA Today â?¢ Vulture â?¢ Lit Hub â?¢ Kirkus Reviews â?¢ CrimeReads
The two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and bestselling author of Harlem Shuffle continues his Harlem saga in a powerful and hugely-entertaining novel that summons 1970s New York in all its seedy glory.

Itâ??s 1971. Trash piles up on the streets, crime is at an all-time high, the city is careening towards bankruptcy, and a shooting war has broken out between the NYPD and the Black Liberation Army. Amidst this collective nervous breakdown furniture store owner and ex-fence Ray Carney tries to keep his head down and his business thriving. His days moving stolen goods around the city are over. Itâ??s strictly the straight-and-narrow for him â?? until he needs Jackson 5 tickets for his daughter May and he decides to hit up his old police contact Munson, fixer extraordinaire.  But Munson has his own favors to ask of Carney and staying out of the game gets a lot more complicated â?? and deadly.
1973. The counter-culture has created a new generation, the old ways are being overthrown, but there is one constant, Pepper, Carneyâ??s endearingly violent partner in crime.  Itâ??s getting harder to put together a reliable crew for hijackings, heists, and assorted felonies, so Pepper takes on a side gig doing security on a Blaxploitation shoot in Harlem.  He finds himself in a freaky world of Hollywood stars, up-and-coming comedians, and celebrity drug dealers, in addition to the usual cast of hustlers, mobsters, and hit men. These adversaries underestimate the seasoned crook â?? to their regret.
1976.  Harlem is burning, block by block, while the whole country is gearing up for Bicentennial celebrations.  Carney is trying to come up with a July 4th ad he can live with. ("Two Hundred Years of Getting Away with It!"), while his wife Elizabeth is campaigning for her childhood friend, the former assistant D.A and rising politician Alexander Oakes.  When a fire severely injures one of Carneyâ??s tenants, he enlists Pepper to look into who may be behind it. Our crooked duo have to battle their way through a crumbling metropolis run by the shady, the violent, and the utterly corrupted.
CROOK MANIFESTO is a darkly funny tale of a city under siege, but also a sneakily searching portrait of the meaning of family.  Colson Whiteheadâ??s kaleidoscopic portrait of Harlem is sure to stand as one of t
… (altro)
Titolo:Crook Manifesto: A Novel
Autori:Colson Whitehead (Autore)
Info:Doubleday (2023), Edition: First Edition, 336 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:harlem; 1970s; historical fiction; corruption

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Crook Manifesto di Colson Whitehead

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Inglese (31)  Italiano (1)  Tutte le lingue (32)
Non ha la forma di un romanzo, perchè sono tre racconti/novelle molto lunghi (100 pagine l'uno, forse di più): racconti che narrano di una Harlem/New York degli anni '70, quando la città era allo sbando. Molto bello, forse un po' "scivoloso" (soprattutto nel secondo racconto), con molti intrecci e molti personaggi, ognuno con la sua storia.
Molto bello, ripeto: dovrò approfondire. ( )
  sbaldi59 | May 23, 2024 |
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Crooked stays crooked
and bent hates straight.
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To Clarke
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From then on whenever he heard the song he thought of the death of Munson.
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A man has a hierarchy of crime, of what is morally acceptable and what is not, a crook manifesto, and those who subscribe to lesser codes are cockroaches.
It's not arson – it's years of shitty urban planning biting us in the ass.
Numbers can't be racist, right?
Maybe shit jobs were the true path to equality, so dulling and numb that there was no room left in the brain for bigotry.
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Fiction. African American Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:One of the Most Anticipated Books of the Summer by The Washington Post â?¢ TIME Magazine â?¢ NPR â?¢ The Los Angeles Times â?¢ USA Today â?¢ Vulture â?¢ Lit Hub â?¢ Kirkus Reviews â?¢ CrimeReads
The two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and bestselling author of Harlem Shuffle continues his Harlem saga in a powerful and hugely-entertaining novel that summons 1970s New York in all its seedy glory.

Itâ??s 1971. Trash piles up on the streets, crime is at an all-time high, the city is careening towards bankruptcy, and a shooting war has broken out between the NYPD and the Black Liberation Army. Amidst this collective nervous breakdown furniture store owner and ex-fence Ray Carney tries to keep his head down and his business thriving. His days moving stolen goods around the city are over. Itâ??s strictly the straight-and-narrow for him â?? until he needs Jackson 5 tickets for his daughter May and he decides to hit up his old police contact Munson, fixer extraordinaire.  But Munson has his own favors to ask of Carney and staying out of the game gets a lot more complicated â?? and deadly.
1973. The counter-culture has created a new generation, the old ways are being overthrown, but there is one constant, Pepper, Carneyâ??s endearingly violent partner in crime.  Itâ??s getting harder to put together a reliable crew for hijackings, heists, and assorted felonies, so Pepper takes on a side gig doing security on a Blaxploitation shoot in Harlem.  He finds himself in a freaky world of Hollywood stars, up-and-coming comedians, and celebrity drug dealers, in addition to the usual cast of hustlers, mobsters, and hit men. These adversaries underestimate the seasoned crook â?? to their regret.
1976.  Harlem is burning, block by block, while the whole country is gearing up for Bicentennial celebrations.  Carney is trying to come up with a July 4th ad he can live with. ("Two Hundred Years of Getting Away with It!"), while his wife Elizabeth is campaigning for her childhood friend, the former assistant D.A and rising politician Alexander Oakes.  When a fire severely injures one of Carneyâ??s tenants, he enlists Pepper to look into who may be behind it. Our crooked duo have to battle their way through a crumbling metropolis run by the shady, the violent, and the utterly corrupted.
CROOK MANIFESTO is a darkly funny tale of a city under siege, but also a sneakily searching portrait of the meaning of family.  Colson Whiteheadâ??s kaleidoscopic portrait of Harlem is sure to stand as one of t

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