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Knight In The Museum

di Alice Bienia

Serie: Jorja Knight (5)

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An ancient, cursed statue. Suspicious deaths. A PI determined to find the truth. PI Jorja Knight knows firsthand what it’s like to be tormented by lingering questions after the death of a loved one. When the daughter of a former police officer asks Jorja to look into her father’s death, deemed an accident, Jorja is determined to find her the answers she’s looking for. As Jorja digs into the case, she discovers another suspicious death and links to a cursed, missing pre-Columbian artifact. With rising doubts about the way police handled the men’s deaths, Jorja puts her own relationship with the head of Special Crimes on the line as she reconstructs the dead men’s last movements. But she isn’t the only one bird-dogging their footsteps. As her investigation heats up, Jorja is drawn deep into the heart of Alberta’s badlands. What she finds turns the investigation on its head and throws her into the path of a brazen killer.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daSpencer28, Shelly.Kittell

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Fabulous story. Jorja is a strong woman PI that takes on a case to look into the death of a father. It involves a cursed object. I loved the adventure and the drama. Jorja ends up with her hands full. I found the writing delightful and full of detail. The story was entertaining and easy to read. The characters were spicy and full of drama, which made for a very exciting story. A definite must read for mystery lovers. ( )
  Shelly.Kittell | Nov 21, 2022 |
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An ancient, cursed statue. Suspicious deaths. A PI determined to find the truth. PI Jorja Knight knows firsthand what it’s like to be tormented by lingering questions after the death of a loved one. When the daughter of a former police officer asks Jorja to look into her father’s death, deemed an accident, Jorja is determined to find her the answers she’s looking for. As Jorja digs into the case, she discovers another suspicious death and links to a cursed, missing pre-Columbian artifact. With rising doubts about the way police handled the men’s deaths, Jorja puts her own relationship with the head of Special Crimes on the line as she reconstructs the dead men’s last movements. But she isn’t the only one bird-dogging their footsteps. As her investigation heats up, Jorja is drawn deep into the heart of Alberta’s badlands. What she finds turns the investigation on its head and throws her into the path of a brazen killer.

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