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The Sawtooth Slayer

di Nathan Dylan Goodwin

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April 2020, Twin Falls, Idaho. A serial killer is on the loose. A nameless man is kidnapping young women from their own homes, taking them out of the city to kill them before returning their bodies to random locations around the city. Detective Maria Gonzalez heads up the investigation but has very few leads to pursue. As time passes and fears rise that the killer might strike again with a fifth victim, Maria turns to Venator--an investigative genetic genealogy company--in the hope that they can identify the killer from his DNA alone before he has the chance to take yet another life. Despite her initial reticence to take on the company's first ever live case, Madison Scott-Barnhart and her team in Salt Lake City agree to try to reveal the identity of this barbaric serial killer. In the midst of the global pandemic that has closed the Venator office and posed both personal and professional problems for Madison, time is running out on this case.… (altro)
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Nathan Dylan Goodwin has done it yet again! The Sawtooth Slayer is the second in his new series, Venator Cold Cases. There's a little more tension this time but more important is all the wonderful how-to information about doing genetic genealogy research on a professional basis. It's a fun way to hone your skills and to be entertained at the same time. We also learn more about the personal lives and problems of the Venetor staff. While the professional task is resolved, there are plenty of personal stories to carry over into future books. Look for it on the member's lending shelf.
  herzogm | Nov 13, 2022 |
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April 2020, Twin Falls, Idaho. A serial killer is on the loose. A nameless man is kidnapping young women from their own homes, taking them out of the city to kill them before returning their bodies to random locations around the city. Detective Maria Gonzalez heads up the investigation but has very few leads to pursue. As time passes and fears rise that the killer might strike again with a fifth victim, Maria turns to Venator--an investigative genetic genealogy company--in the hope that they can identify the killer from his DNA alone before he has the chance to take yet another life. Despite her initial reticence to take on the company's first ever live case, Madison Scott-Barnhart and her team in Salt Lake City agree to try to reveal the identity of this barbaric serial killer. In the midst of the global pandemic that has closed the Venator office and posed both personal and professional problems for Madison, time is running out on this case.

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