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The Co-op

di Tarah Dewitt

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They say love and construction don't mix. By that logic, hate and construction may as well be condemned. LaRynn Lavigne and Deacon Leeds had one short and contentious summer fling when they were teens. Certainly nothing to build a foundation on. But a decade later, when their grandmothers have left them with shared ownership of their dilapidated Santa Cruz building, they're thrust back together and have to figure out how to brace up the pieces. LaRynn has the money, but to access her trust, she has to be married. Deacon has the construction expertise, but lacks the funds. A deal is struck: Marry for however long it takes to fix up the property, collect a profit, and cut ties. Thrust into a home without walls, they quickly learn that it's easy to hide behind emotional ones, even in a marriage. But, with all the exposure and pitfalls that come with living with the opposite sex (and none of the perks) they'll also have to learn what it means to truly cooperate as a team.… (altro)
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I am a fan of Tarah DeWitt's work, and I was surprised to discover I had read this one last year. I remember really liking it, so I settled in to read this new edition. I was not disappointed.

LaRynn and Deacon's grandmothers have passed away, and they have inherited the Santa Cruz home they both love. LaRynn and Deacon end up living together to facilitate the house renovation before selling. Despite the painful end of their past relationship, they can’t deny they still have chemistry. There is a lot of personal growth and hot shenanigans.

This was a great close-proximity, second chance romance and I’m so glad I opted to read it again. 4⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this complimentary ARC. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. ( )
  jmoura01 | Aug 4, 2024 |
The enemies-to-lovers switch happened much too instantly. Needed some groveling. ( )
  mimji | Apr 20, 2024 |
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They say love and construction don't mix. By that logic, hate and construction may as well be condemned. LaRynn Lavigne and Deacon Leeds had one short and contentious summer fling when they were teens. Certainly nothing to build a foundation on. But a decade later, when their grandmothers have left them with shared ownership of their dilapidated Santa Cruz building, they're thrust back together and have to figure out how to brace up the pieces. LaRynn has the money, but to access her trust, she has to be married. Deacon has the construction expertise, but lacks the funds. A deal is struck: Marry for however long it takes to fix up the property, collect a profit, and cut ties. Thrust into a home without walls, they quickly learn that it's easy to hide behind emotional ones, even in a marriage. But, with all the exposure and pitfalls that come with living with the opposite sex (and none of the perks) they'll also have to learn what it means to truly cooperate as a team.

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