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The Dragon King's Imperial Wrath: Falling in Love with the Bookish Princess of the Rat Clan, Vol. 1

di Akiko Kawano (Artist), Aki Shikimi (Story)

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392655,423 (4.13)Nessuno
"Thirteen clans rule the land, and the Rat Clan is the weakest. Ruiying, the princess of the Rat Clan, is summoned to the land of the dominating Dragon Clan along with princesses from the other clans. The Dragon King seeks a bride, and they are all candidates! Yet instead of vying for the Dragon King's favor, Ruiying takes refuge in the palace's enormous library--a place she can read to her heart's content. It's there that the Dragon King discovers her by chance, sparking an immediate connection that willchange Ruiying's life forever!"--… (altro)
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In the world of this series, thirteen clans rule the land (think animals of the Chinese Zodiac). The Rat Clan is the weakest, while the Dragon Clan is the strongest. The Dragon Clan has summoned a princess from each of the other clans in order to find the Dragon King a bride.

Ruiying isn't interested in becoming the Dragon King's bride - she just wants access to the Dragon Clan's incredible library. However, when the Dragon King, Yawen, encounters her, he instantly declares her his fated mate.

This is one of those series you need to not think about too much, or you'll start to poke holes in it. We have a 500-year-old dragon king who declares a 16-year-old to be his fated mate, which led to me wondering about the other 484ish years. Also, an enemy, the Bird Clan, is introduced out of nowhere right near the end of this volume. I assume the author was asked to add some conflict, because otherwise the only issue would have been that "dragon kings aren't allowed to marry their fated mates for reasons."

The artwork was pretty, and I'm a sucker for devoted romance heroes who smile a lot, so overall I liked this well enough.


One full-color illustration and a couple humorous 4-panel comics re-imagining moments from the volume.

(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.) ( )
  Familiar_Diversions | Aug 18, 2024 |
I just died of the cuteness while curling my toes out of happiness at this story, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

The world-building is slowly expanding - with small entries here and there.

I cannot dive further in otherwise I will have to spoil it.

This is going to be one of my favourites this year. ( )
  Aya666 | May 16, 2024 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Kawano, AkikoArtistautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Shikimi, AkiStoryautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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"Thirteen clans rule the land, and the Rat Clan is the weakest. Ruiying, the princess of the Rat Clan, is summoned to the land of the dominating Dragon Clan along with princesses from the other clans. The Dragon King seeks a bride, and they are all candidates! Yet instead of vying for the Dragon King's favor, Ruiying takes refuge in the palace's enormous library--a place she can read to her heart's content. It's there that the Dragon King discovers her by chance, sparking an immediate connection that willchange Ruiying's life forever!"--

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Media: (4.13)
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