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Reverse (The Bittersweet Symphony Duet Book 2)

di Kate Stewart

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Thirty years ago, my father became the other half of a broken love story. A relationship he's kept hidden for decades. Upon unearthing his secret through a series of emails in our paper's archives, I began my search for the truth. Haunted by my father's love story, and in my quest for answers, I never imagined I would discover a love of my own. Or that my love for Easton Crowne would be key in discovering the reason behind what split our parents up. Doomed from the start and knowing the havoc our relationship would inevitably wreak on our families, I could never have prepared for the toll it would take or the cost of the truth. But in order to find our ending, we had to go back to their beginning… (altro)
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I'm almost speechless.

Drive was how I discovered this author. Long before she hit Global status, and rightfully so, with the Ravenhood trilogy, I knew that this author was going to take over the romance genre. I was right in that assumption because in reading, Drive, I felt her words in a tangible way. They changed the template of who I am. I never thought that there would be a continuation of this story. I was fine with that. I let my imagination give me the vision of what A future looked like for Stella, Reid, and Nate. Yet, nothing prepared me for this future. It was everything I wanted and didn't know I needed.

I won't get into the details, because any other review has likely done that. I will say, however, that this was a reminder that love always is worth it. No matter the hurt, of which there is and will be plenty. Its a journey.

The little twist of "fate" at the end? Priceless. ( )
  MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |
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Thirty years ago, my father became the other half of a broken love story. A relationship he's kept hidden for decades. Upon unearthing his secret through a series of emails in our paper's archives, I began my search for the truth. Haunted by my father's love story, and in my quest for answers, I never imagined I would discover a love of my own. Or that my love for Easton Crowne would be key in discovering the reason behind what split our parents up. Doomed from the start and knowing the havoc our relationship would inevitably wreak on our families, I could never have prepared for the toll it would take or the cost of the truth. But in order to find our ending, we had to go back to their beginning

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