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di Rod Duncan

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Daz Croxley. An unemployable, inner-city dwelling retro-punk. Illiterate because of his dyslexia - but possessed of his own peculiar intelligence. Struggling to pay off his corrupt landlord, Daz loots an electronics shop during an inner-city riot. Included in his bounty is a handful of sequentially-numbered £20 notes. Daz can't know that this money comes from a vastly larger hoard, the product of a fraudulent property deal, a hoard for which men have already died. But others know. The achitect of the fraud for one - serving his jail term but still with a dangerously long reach. Police officers - not all batting for the same team. Other criminals out for what they can get. When word leaks out that Daz knows the location of the money, his life and the lives of his few real friends are in peril. His only hope is to play his pursuers off against each other in a deadly game of bluff and double bluff.… (altro)
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Breakbeat is a pacy, unemotional tale of life in the inner city for the socially disadvantaged.

Daz is being chased by criminal gangs and the police for information they believe he has. It doesn't take him long to work out that what he does know is worth more than money; and is information that can keep him alive. Daz isn't the most empathetic of characters. However, the plot compels you to keep reading as you get drawn into a fatal game of bluff and double bluff, where Daz exploits his dyslexia (and it's great to see a 'disability' used as a natural part of a character instead of as part of a triumph-over-adversity plot or an exotic extra) to his advantage, in a world where guilt is dished out according to who you associate with.

It shows that modern British crime fiction is alive and kicking. ( )
  Jawin | May 2, 2007 |
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A riot is at bottom the language of the unheard.
~ Martin Luther King
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Daz Croxley. An unemployable, inner-city dwelling retro-punk. Illiterate because of his dyslexia - but possessed of his own peculiar intelligence. Struggling to pay off his corrupt landlord, Daz loots an electronics shop during an inner-city riot. Included in his bounty is a handful of sequentially-numbered £20 notes. Daz can't know that this money comes from a vastly larger hoard, the product of a fraudulent property deal, a hoard for which men have already died. But others know. The achitect of the fraud for one - serving his jail term but still with a dangerously long reach. Police officers - not all batting for the same team. Other criminals out for what they can get. When word leaks out that Daz knows the location of the money, his life and the lives of his few real friends are in peril. His only hope is to play his pursuers off against each other in a deadly game of bluff and double bluff.

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